Monday, August 29, 2011

GFT on September 6

Genealogy First Tuesday (GFT) is scheduled for 6 - 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 6 in the Genealogy Room of the Glenview Public Library.

Genealogists and researchers at any level of experience are welcome.

Registration is recommended but not required.  To register call the Reference Desk, (847) 729-7500 x2700.

There is no set topic.  Bring along whatever you are working on in genealogy, and discussions will take their inspiration from that.  We will be happy to provide tips, guidance, and training.  You can also sit back and listen as your fellow genealogists share stories and advice about their research.

If you want in-depth guidance in a specific area, you can contact Deena in advance, (847) 901-5948 or

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Footnote is Now Fold3 has changed its name to Fold3.

Your current Free Footnote registration will work on Fold3 and you can sign in with your same email address and password. Any contributions you have made to Footnote will also move over to Fold3.

Fold3 is the Web's premier collection and destination for original U.S. military records.  Footnote is refocusing its efforts on gathering the best online collection of military records and stories, and wanted a name that would reflect military history and honor.

Traditionally, the third fold in a flag-folding ceremony honors and remembers veterans for their sacrifice in defending their country and promoting peace in the world.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

"Tall Trees: an Illustrated History"

There is now a circulating copy of Tall Trees by Dan Wassmann at the Glenview Public Library.  You can see it, and check it out, at 977.31 WAS.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Genealogy First Tuesday, August 2

Genealogy First Tuesday (GFT) takes place the first Tuesday of every month.

The GFT for August 2011 will take place from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Genealogy Room on the 2nd floor.

There is no set program.  GFT events are driven by your input.

Bring your research, and tell us where you are stuck.  We will do our best to help you get un-stuck.

Wifi is available throughout the building.  The 2 Genealogy Room PCs will be available for you to use, but you are also encouraged to bring your laptop.

Registration is encouraged but not required.  To register, call the Reference Desk at (847) 729-7500 x2700.