There will be a GFT (Genealogy First Tuesday) on January 3, from 2 to 4:30 p.m. in the Genealogy Room of the Glenview Public Library.
Keep your genealogical new year's resolutions! Start working on your family tree, or pick up where you left off. The Library can provide genealogical guidance, assistance, and resources.
Genealogy First Tuesday is designed to introduce genealogy enthusiasts, at any level of experience, to materials and techniques for discovering their family history. Meetings allow participants to explore topics and tools in genealogy, including books, library databases, and websites. Share tips and tricks with others in a relaxed environment. Registration appreciated at the Reference Services Desk, 847-729-7500 x 7700, or
GFT is open to everyone. A Glenview Library card is not required.
There is no assigned topic for GFTs. If you want to suggest one, please contact Deena (847) 901-5948 or
Looking forward to seeing you on January 3!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
New Illinois Data on FamilySearch
New Illinois collections have been uploaded to the FamilySearch website.
If you have Maywood ancestors, you may enjoy browsing through the Maywood Herald Obituary Card Index, 1885-2002. This is a surname card index created by the Maywood Public Library from the Maywood Herald Newspaper.
And, there is a collection of Illinois Probate Records, 1819-1970, that was created by courts in various Illinois counties, which you can also browse through
If you have Maywood ancestors, you may enjoy browsing through the Maywood Herald Obituary Card Index, 1885-2002. This is a surname card index created by the Maywood Public Library from the Maywood Herald Newspaper.
And, there is a collection of Illinois Probate Records, 1819-1970, that was created by courts in various Illinois counties, which you can also browse through
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
State Censuses
State censuses are invaluable to genealogists because they fill in gaps left by missing federal censuses. For example, 12 states conducted censuses between 1885 and 1895, any one of which can substitute for that state's missing 1890 federal census. State censuses tend to be opened to the public faster than federal ones; some state censuses taken as recently as 1945 are already available. Many state censuses contain information not found in federal censuses because the census takers asked different questions. For all of these reasons, state censuses can give you a more complete picture of your ancestors and solve genealogical problems. To find out what state censuses exist, what kinds of information they contain, and where they can be found, read State Census Records, by Ann Lainhart, the definitive guide to this major, though vastly under-used, genealogical resource.
The Glenview Library owns State Census Records by Ann Lainhart, find it at 929.373 LAI
(THANK YOU! to Clearfield Publishing for use of this book review.)
The Glenview Library owns State Census Records by Ann Lainhart, find it at 929.373 LAI
(THANK YOU! to Clearfield Publishing for use of this book review.)
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Organizing and Writing Your Family History
Steve Szabados will present “Organizing and Writing Your Family History” at the next meeting of the Northwest Suburban Council of Genealogists. The meeting will be held on Saturday, January 7, 2012 at 10:00 am at The Arlington Heights Senior Center, 1801 W Central Rd., Arlington Heights, IL
A Copy of Family Tree Maker 2012 will be raffled off.
Arrive at 9:30 AM, prior to the presentation, for casual discussion or to exchange information with others who enjoy genealogy.
The presentation discusses a process and format that helps make research efforts more efficient and makes the results easier to read, digest, and share. Your information will “come alive” for everyone. Please note that this presentation is not a "How-To" on publishing a book or organizing your file cabinet. It instead will discuss how to organize the information extracted from your documents and family oral history.
Steve Szabados is a retired project manager with a Bachelor of Science degree and an MBA who started researching his ancestors in 2004. He has given numerous presentations to groups in Illinois and Wisconsin and wants to share his passion for Family History. He is a member of the Polish Genealogical Society of America, Illinois State Genealogical Society and also a genealogy volunteer at the Arlington Heights Library. His roots are Polish and Hungarian plus he has also had success researching Slovenian and Bohemian records.
A Copy of Family Tree Maker 2012 will be raffled off.
Arrive at 9:30 AM, prior to the presentation, for casual discussion or to exchange information with others who enjoy genealogy.
The presentation discusses a process and format that helps make research efforts more efficient and makes the results easier to read, digest, and share. Your information will “come alive” for everyone. Please note that this presentation is not a "How-To" on publishing a book or organizing your file cabinet. It instead will discuss how to organize the information extracted from your documents and family oral history.
Steve Szabados is a retired project manager with a Bachelor of Science degree and an MBA who started researching his ancestors in 2004. He has given numerous presentations to groups in Illinois and Wisconsin and wants to share his passion for Family History. He is a member of the Polish Genealogical Society of America, Illinois State Genealogical Society and also a genealogy volunteer at the Arlington Heights Library. His roots are Polish and Hungarian plus he has also had success researching Slovenian and Bohemian records.
GFT @ GPL, December 6
There will be a Genealogy First Tuesday (GFT) at the Glenview Public Library on Tuesday, December 6, between 6:00 and 8:30 p.m. in the Genealogy Room.
GFT is an informal session where you can explore genealogy and try out new resources or strategies, or get guidance with specific research problems.
Registration is encouraged but not required. To register call the Reference Desk, (847) 729-7500 x2700.
GFT is an informal session where you can explore genealogy and try out new resources or strategies, or get guidance with specific research problems.
Registration is encouraged but not required. To register call the Reference Desk, (847) 729-7500 x2700.
Friday, December 2, 2011
General Land Office Records
The records of the General Land Office (GLO) document the first or initial transfer of public land from the United States to private ownership. The Official Land Records Site has a databases for researching your ancestors who might have been homesteaders.
The site provides live access to more than five million Federal land title records issued between 1820 and the present. They also have images related to survey plats and field notes, dating back to 1810.
The site provides live access to more than five million Federal land title records issued between 1820 and the present. They also have images related to survey plats and field notes, dating back to 1810.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Researcher's Guide to American Genealogy
Thank you to Genealogical Publishing Company Genealogy Pointers e-newsletter 11-29-11 for use of the following review:
The Researcher's Guide to American Genealogy / by Val D. Greenwood. -- 3rd ed. -- Genealogical Pub. Co., c2000.
"Wills, and probate records in general, may be the most valuable of all genealogical sources. Val Greenwood's highly respected textbook, The Researcher's Guide to American Genealogy goes over these in detail.
Wills are fabulous for establishing relationships, and they can help fix the time period an ancestor lived if no other records survived. They can also provide clues to an ancestor's former places of residence, help to distinguish among persons having a common name, alert the researcher to the existence of other kinds of records, establish when a death occurred, and lead the genealogist to elusive information about an ancestor in the records of the executor or sureties to the will.
If you are new to will records, confused about the legal terminology found in wills, or just don't know where to look for probate records, let Val Greenwood come to your rescue. The author of The Researcher's Guide to American Genealogy, who is an attorney as well as a genealogist, has written two excellent chapters about wills and probate records that should answer all your questions. For example, you will learn what characterizes the various kinds of wills (conjoint, holographic, nuncupative, and unsolemn, etc.), the legal requirements of probate, the proceedings of contested wills, and much more. If you don't know a legator from a legatee or a testator from a testatrix, Greenwood's 12-page glossary of legal terminology is all you'll ever need. And, if you want to know where each of the 50 states maintains its probate records, there's a handy state-by-state table specifying which courts have custody.
Written in a style that is clear and easy to follow, filled with examples from actual records, The Researcher's Guide should be your place of first resort for understanding wills and probate.
The Glenview Public Library owns a copy of The Researcher's Guide to American Genealogy by Val D. Greenwood. See it at 929.1 GRE.
The Researcher's Guide to American Genealogy / by Val D. Greenwood. -- 3rd ed. -- Genealogical Pub. Co., c2000.
"Wills, and probate records in general, may be the most valuable of all genealogical sources. Val Greenwood's highly respected textbook, The Researcher's Guide to American Genealogy goes over these in detail.
Wills are fabulous for establishing relationships, and they can help fix the time period an ancestor lived if no other records survived. They can also provide clues to an ancestor's former places of residence, help to distinguish among persons having a common name, alert the researcher to the existence of other kinds of records, establish when a death occurred, and lead the genealogist to elusive information about an ancestor in the records of the executor or sureties to the will.
If you are new to will records, confused about the legal terminology found in wills, or just don't know where to look for probate records, let Val Greenwood come to your rescue. The author of The Researcher's Guide to American Genealogy, who is an attorney as well as a genealogist, has written two excellent chapters about wills and probate records that should answer all your questions. For example, you will learn what characterizes the various kinds of wills (conjoint, holographic, nuncupative, and unsolemn, etc.), the legal requirements of probate, the proceedings of contested wills, and much more. If you don't know a legator from a legatee or a testator from a testatrix, Greenwood's 12-page glossary of legal terminology is all you'll ever need. And, if you want to know where each of the 50 states maintains its probate records, there's a handy state-by-state table specifying which courts have custody.
Written in a style that is clear and easy to follow, filled with examples from actual records, The Researcher's Guide should be your place of first resort for understanding wills and probate.
The Glenview Public Library owns a copy of The Researcher's Guide to American Genealogy by Val D. Greenwood. See it at 929.1 GRE.
World Memory Project
The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and are collaborating to make information about victims of the Holocaust and Nazi persecution available online through the World Memory Project.
The Museum owns millions of historical documents containing details about survivors and victims. By using technology, the World Memory Project collection can be searched online for free.
The World Memory Project was launched in May 2011, and since then thousands of contributors around the world have indexed hundreds of thousands of records. You can contribute to this effort by volunteering to become an indexer.
To search other Ancestry collections at no cost, visit Ancestry Library Edition on the Glenview Public Library website.
The Museum owns millions of historical documents containing details about survivors and victims. By using technology, the World Memory Project collection can be searched online for free.
The World Memory Project was launched in May 2011, and since then thousands of contributors around the world have indexed hundreds of thousands of records. You can contribute to this effort by volunteering to become an indexer.
To search other Ancestry collections at no cost, visit Ancestry Library Edition on the Glenview Public Library website.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Finding Your World War I Ancestor
THANK YOU to Genealogical Publishing Company for the use of the article below.
The Glenview Public Library owns a copy of The Great War: A Guide to the Service Records of All the World's Fighting Men and Volunteers by Christina K. Schaefer, c1998 Genealogical Pub. Co.
Below are some insights into how this book can help you research your WWI ancestors:
Suppose family legend has it that your great-grandfather served in the Polish army during World War I. If his service records have survived, you assume you will be able to find them without any trouble. In reality, however, it is not quite that simple.
Between October 1914 and September 1917, for example, some Polish combatants served in the Russian Army. Why? Because, prior to the Russian Revolution, Poland existed as the Duchy of Warsaw within the Russian Empire. Following the establishment of a provisional Polish government in September 1917, the Poles serving for Russia were regrouped into a new Polish army. Or, your ancestor could have been a member of the insurrectionary "Polish Legion" established in Vienna to serve the Empire of Austria-Hungary. Still other Poles served with the German army in Upper Silesia and East Prussia as the Polnische Wermacht, or with a Polish army on the side of France. In short, great-grandfather's service records could conceivably be in Russia, Germany, France, or Hungary, as well as in Poland.
The dispersion of Polish military service records for "The Great War" was not altogether unusual. Following the armistice, the victorious powers carved up the defeated nations and/or their territories. For example, if your Alsace-Lorraine ancestor fought for Germany, his records would have come under French jurisdiction after the Treaty of Versailles. For its part, Denmark acquired Jutland and Schleswig-Holstein from Germany. Similarly, the nations of Finland and Lithuania achieved their independence at the Soviet Union's (Russia's) expense.
Clearly, anyone on the trail of a World War I service record is more likely to be successful if she/he is equipped with a roadmap to the records of that tragic conflict. And roadmap, indeed, is exactly what genealogist Christina K. Schaefer has created in her guidebook The Great War: A Guide to the Service Records of All the World's Fighting Men and Volunteers.
Organized by country, The Great War provides at-a-glance information on the existence of records and how they can be accessed. Each chapter begins with an outline history of a given country's involvement in the conflict as it impacts on the records. The author then lists all extant record groups for that nation's army and navy. So, for example, we are provided with a list of every German army regiment, followed by another list of the capital ships and U-boats that served the Kaiser. The lengthy U.S. chapter lists the national repositories and then record holdings state by state. Each chapter concludes with a breakdown of that nation's military archives and its holdings and a bibliography of suggested further reading.
For researchers who can profit from a brushing-up on their World War I history, Mrs. Schaefer begins the book with a detailed timeline of events from 1914 to 1918. The volume concludes with a number of very useful features: (1) records pertaining to the aftermath of the war (e.g., service records of the Red Cross); (2) a table of the political changes ushered in by the war; and (3) a list of World War I sources available on the Internet at the time of the book's original publication in 1998. "
The Glenview Public Library owns a copy of The Great War: A Guide to the Service Records of All the World's Fighting Men and Volunteers by Christina K. Schaefer, c1998 Genealogical Pub. Co.
Below are some insights into how this book can help you research your WWI ancestors:
"Finding Your World War I Ancestor
Between October 1914 and September 1917, for example, some Polish combatants served in the Russian Army. Why? Because, prior to the Russian Revolution, Poland existed as the Duchy of Warsaw within the Russian Empire. Following the establishment of a provisional Polish government in September 1917, the Poles serving for Russia were regrouped into a new Polish army. Or, your ancestor could have been a member of the insurrectionary "Polish Legion" established in Vienna to serve the Empire of Austria-Hungary. Still other Poles served with the German army in Upper Silesia and East Prussia as the Polnische Wermacht, or with a Polish army on the side of France. In short, great-grandfather's service records could conceivably be in Russia, Germany, France, or Hungary, as well as in Poland.
The dispersion of Polish military service records for "The Great War" was not altogether unusual. Following the armistice, the victorious powers carved up the defeated nations and/or their territories. For example, if your Alsace-Lorraine ancestor fought for Germany, his records would have come under French jurisdiction after the Treaty of Versailles. For its part, Denmark acquired Jutland and Schleswig-Holstein from Germany. Similarly, the nations of Finland and Lithuania achieved their independence at the Soviet Union's (Russia's) expense.
Clearly, anyone on the trail of a World War I service record is more likely to be successful if she/he is equipped with a roadmap to the records of that tragic conflict. And roadmap, indeed, is exactly what genealogist Christina K. Schaefer has created in her guidebook The Great War: A Guide to the Service Records of All the World's Fighting Men and Volunteers.
Organized by country, The Great War provides at-a-glance information on the existence of records and how they can be accessed. Each chapter begins with an outline history of a given country's involvement in the conflict as it impacts on the records. The author then lists all extant record groups for that nation's army and navy. So, for example, we are provided with a list of every German army regiment, followed by another list of the capital ships and U-boats that served the Kaiser. The lengthy U.S. chapter lists the national repositories and then record holdings state by state. Each chapter concludes with a breakdown of that nation's military archives and its holdings and a bibliography of suggested further reading.
For researchers who can profit from a brushing-up on their World War I history, Mrs. Schaefer begins the book with a detailed timeline of events from 1914 to 1918. The volume concludes with a number of very useful features: (1) records pertaining to the aftermath of the war (e.g., service records of the Red Cross); (2) a table of the political changes ushered in by the war; and (3) a list of World War I sources available on the Internet at the time of the book's original publication in 1998. "
Monday, November 21, 2011
New Adoption Law
A law signed May 10, 2010 allows adopted adults born in Illinois before January 1, 1946 to request non-certified copies of their Original Birth Certificate (OBC), listing the names of their birth parents.
If you are an adopted person born after January 1, 1946, you can now (as of November 15, 2011) request your OBC .
Learn about the new adoption law and how to obtain a non-certified copy of the original birth certificate.
If you are an adopted person born after January 1, 1946, you can now (as of November 15, 2011) request your OBC .
Learn about the new adoption law and how to obtain a non-certified copy of the original birth certificate.
1940 Census: 133 Days And Counting
Family Search has a web page devoted to the 1940 Census. They will start publishing it for free on April 2, 2012, the day the census is released by The National Archives.
FamilySearch will also provide digital images to tens of thousands of volunteers to start transcribing the records so they become searchable.
Complete publication of the index will depend on how many volunteers can help.
You can help Family Search index the 1940 Census to make it searchable sooner.
FamilySearch will also provide digital images to tens of thousands of volunteers to start transcribing the records so they become searchable.
Complete publication of the index will depend on how many volunteers can help.
You can help Family Search index the 1940 Census to make it searchable sooner.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Bridgett Schneider and RAOGK
Dick Eastman's Genealogy Blog carried sad news today about the death of genealogist Bridgett Schneider, the creator of Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness (RAOGK).
This extremely valuable website, which is run by a system of volunteers, helped me immensely in retrieving priceless information I could not have obtained any other way. The last time I planned to demonstrate RAOGK in a class, I was disappointed to discover it was missing.
RAOGK might return some day. In the meantime, some people are helping individuals through the RAOGK Facebook page. But Bridgett Schneider will be greatly missed.
This extremely valuable website, which is run by a system of volunteers, helped me immensely in retrieving priceless information I could not have obtained any other way. The last time I planned to demonstrate RAOGK in a class, I was disappointed to discover it was missing.
RAOGK might return some day. In the meantime, some people are helping individuals through the RAOGK Facebook page. But Bridgett Schneider will be greatly missed.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
More New York Resources
When you go to New York City to research your New York ancestors, visit the Milstein Division of U.S. History, Local History & Genealogy of the New York Public Library (NYPL) in the beautiful landmark building on 5th Ave. & 42nd St. They have good hours and they're free!
They have many indexes to records, some of which are not easily available anyplace else. For example, the indexes to birth after 1909 and deaths after 1948, are at the NYC Dept. of Health but are not open to the public; only authorized agents. But the library has indexes to NYC births and deaths up to 1982.
Some other key resources you'll find here:
Indexes to NYC births (late 19th century-1982), deaths (late19th century-1982) and marriages (1869-1937), many also available through the Italian Genealogical Group.
Coroner's inquests, New York, NY, 1823-1898 and Index to Divorces, Annulments, & Separations in New York County, 1784-1910.
Comprehensive collection of city directories not only for New York but for the entire country, along with a historical telephone directory collection.
All surviving New York State census records on microfilm for all counties including finding aids. Also New Jersey State census records.
1890 New York City “Police” Census (a great substitute to the 1890 Federal census)
The best collection of New York City historical newspapers (some online and many only on microfilm).
Many books, both family histories and genealogical compilations by location, and other materials searchable through our online Catalog including everything that came from the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society Library in 2008.
NYC land and property records between 1654 and 1857, indexes and the actual records.
18th and 19th century wills for many counties in New York State.
The friendly and helpful staff can advise you on the other collections around the city.
Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, Room 121
New York Public Library
They have many indexes to records, some of which are not easily available anyplace else. For example, the indexes to birth after 1909 and deaths after 1948, are at the NYC Dept. of Health but are not open to the public; only authorized agents. But the library has indexes to NYC births and deaths up to 1982.
Some other key resources you'll find here:
Indexes to NYC births (late 19th century-1982), deaths (late19th century-1982) and marriages (1869-1937), many also available through the Italian Genealogical Group.
Coroner's inquests, New York, NY, 1823-1898 and Index to Divorces, Annulments, & Separations in New York County, 1784-1910.
Comprehensive collection of city directories not only for New York but for the entire country, along with a historical telephone directory collection.
All surviving New York State census records on microfilm for all counties including finding aids. Also New Jersey State census records.
1890 New York City “Police” Census (a great substitute to the 1890 Federal census)
The best collection of New York City historical newspapers (some online and many only on microfilm).
Many books, both family histories and genealogical compilations by location, and other materials searchable through our online Catalog including everything that came from the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society Library in 2008.
NYC land and property records between 1654 and 1857, indexes and the actual records.
18th and 19th century wills for many counties in New York State.
The friendly and helpful staff can advise you on the other collections around the city.
Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, Room 121
New York Public Library
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Legacy Tree Professional Research Services
Do you need help with your research? are you unable to travel to a country where you need records researched? These professional researchers can help you get past these obstacles in your personal research.
Legacy Tree Genealogy is located near the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. Their team of professional genealogists have university degrees in genealogy and family history, are accredited genealogists, have received certifications and other awards, and/or have decades of genealogy experience. They can research U.S. genealogy, the British Isles, Germany, Canada, Italy, and more.
The website offers various free genealogy resources.
Email or call 801-783-1277.
Legacy Tree Genealogy is located near the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. Their team of professional genealogists have university degrees in genealogy and family history, are accredited genealogists, have received certifications and other awards, and/or have decades of genealogy experience. They can research U.S. genealogy, the British Isles, Germany, Canada, Italy, and more.
The website offers various free genealogy resources.
Email or call 801-783-1277.
Monday, October 24, 2011
NYC Municipal Archives
Do you have New York City ancestors?
The NYC Municipal Archives has records dating from the early seventeenth century to the present. Collections comprise office records, manuscript material, still and moving images, ledger volumes, vital records, maps, blueprints, and sound recordings. Highlights include vital records, census, and city directories that are an essential for researching family history. There are also records pertaining to the administration of criminal justice from 1684 to 1966; more than one million photographic images including pictures of every house and building in the city, ca. 1940; legislative branch records of the Dutch colonial government in New Amsterdam; Robert Moses’ papers documenting the city’s infrastructure from 1934 through 1959, and mayoral administrations from 1849 to the present.
The NYC Municipal Archives is at 31 Chambers Street, Room 103 · New York, NY 10007. It is open Monday through Thursday 9 AM to 4:30 PM, and Friday 9 AM to 1 PM. Telephone (212) NEW-YORK
or e-mail them.
The NYC Municipal Archives has records dating from the early seventeenth century to the present. Collections comprise office records, manuscript material, still and moving images, ledger volumes, vital records, maps, blueprints, and sound recordings. Highlights include vital records, census, and city directories that are an essential for researching family history. There are also records pertaining to the administration of criminal justice from 1684 to 1966; more than one million photographic images including pictures of every house and building in the city, ca. 1940; legislative branch records of the Dutch colonial government in New Amsterdam; Robert Moses’ papers documenting the city’s infrastructure from 1934 through 1959, and mayoral administrations from 1849 to the present.
The NYC Municipal Archives is at 31 Chambers Street, Room 103 · New York, NY 10007. It is open Monday through Thursday 9 AM to 4:30 PM, and Friday 9 AM to 1 PM. Telephone (212) NEW-YORK
or e-mail them.
Friday, October 14, 2011
High School Yearbooks
Old high school yearbooks are online at Register for free to view them.
Scroll down to select state, city, school, and year.
On the picture of the yearbook, click "explore now." Drag the yellow toolbar to the right to scroll through the pages of the yearbook.
View Glenbrook South High School's 1963 yearbook.
Scroll down to select state, city, school, and year.
On the picture of the yearbook, click "explore now." Drag the yellow toolbar to the right to scroll through the pages of the yearbook.
View Glenbrook South High School's 1963 yearbook.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Family Treasures on eBay
The October 30 regular meeting of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois (JGSI) wwill feature JGSI member Norman Sandfield.
Norman will help you discover how to use eBay as a source for family memorabilia and history. “There is life beyond Jewish Gen! Finding and Buying My/Your Family’s History, Memorabilia, and Heirlooms on eBay." There will be an additional segment on understanding and successfully using eBay, eSnipe, PayPal,,,’s ‘Search Inside the Book,’ etc.”
Regular meetings are held at Temple Beth Israel (3601 W. Dempster Street, Skokie) The temple will open at 12:30 p.m. to accommodate members who would like access to library materials, need help with genealogical internet Web sites, or have genealogical related questions. The scheduled programs begin at 2:00 p.m. and the Library will reopen after the programs until 4:00 p.m.
Norman will help you discover how to use eBay as a source for family memorabilia and history. “There is life beyond Jewish Gen! Finding and Buying My/Your Family’s History, Memorabilia, and Heirlooms on eBay." There will be an additional segment on understanding and successfully using eBay, eSnipe, PayPal,,,’s ‘Search Inside the Book,’ etc.”
Regular meetings are held at Temple Beth Israel (3601 W. Dempster Street, Skokie) The temple will open at 12:30 p.m. to accommodate members who would like access to library materials, need help with genealogical internet Web sites, or have genealogical related questions. The scheduled programs begin at 2:00 p.m. and the Library will reopen after the programs until 4:00 p.m.
Beginning Genealogy Workshop
The Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois will host a beginners' workshop on October 23, presented by Judith R. Frazin.
Refreshments will be served at 9:30 A.M. The program starts at 10:00 A.M. at Anshe Emet, 3751 North Broadway, Chicago.
Refreshments will be served at 9:30 A.M. The program starts at 10:00 A.M. at Anshe Emet, 3751 North Broadway, Chicago.
Ohio Obit Database
Do you have Ohio ancestors?
In the spirit of that all important holiday, Halloween, the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center is helping Ohio libraries organize their dead people. No, we’re not talking zombies here, but obituaries!
The Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center hosts The Ohio Obituary Index, an award-winning web site that you can join. The obituary listings of 49 Ohio Public Libraries are online, where people can find and order them. Although they partner with and, their site will always remain free to view.
This user-friendly web-based index of newspaper obituaries includes other items, such as local history collections of clippings, wills and estates, funeral records, etc. It contains over 2,200,000 names and citations to over 3 million newspaper sources.
In the spirit of that all important holiday, Halloween, the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center is helping Ohio libraries organize their dead people. No, we’re not talking zombies here, but obituaries!
The Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center hosts The Ohio Obituary Index, an award-winning web site that you can join. The obituary listings of 49 Ohio Public Libraries are online, where people can find and order them. Although they partner with and, their site will always remain free to view.
This user-friendly web-based index of newspaper obituaries includes other items, such as local history collections of clippings, wills and estates, funeral records, etc. It contains over 2,200,000 names and citations to over 3 million newspaper sources.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Civil War Surgeons
The November Meeting of CAGGNI (Computer Assisted Genealogy Group of Northern Illinois) will be a special presentation: The Search for Civil War Surgeons: A Personal Quest by Dr Trevor Steinbach.
This Meeting will be at Arlington Heights Memorial Library, 500 North Dunton Avenue, in Arlington Heights. There will be no meeting in December. The 2012 schedule will resume at Schaumburg Library.
Dr. Trevor Steinbach is not only a Civil War Medical Reenactor but has done extensive research on all four of the people that he portrays. His quest to research Dr. C.A. Bucher from his home town Batavia has taken over 10 years. The processes that he used and the data that he uncovered while research 4 Civil War Surgeons will both entertain and provide the audience with new resources.
Dr. Steinbach has been portraying Civil War medical officers since the early 1990’s. His current personas include Dr. James R.M. Gaskill from 17th Corps Field Hospital and Dr. Urban G. Owen from the Army of Tennessee Field Hospital. He has written a monthly column on Civil War Medicine for the Civil War Courier Magazine since 2003. He is a board member of the Society of Civil War Surgeons, the national organization for medical reenactors.
CAGGNI is a group of amateur genealogists who are committed to using technology and the internet more effectively in support of their family history research activities.
CAGGNI meets at 10:30am on the third Saturday of every month except December at the Schaumburg Township District Library. Monthly meeting topics cover a broad range of subjects of interest in supporting genealogical activities including software, tools, techniques and methodologies. Additionally, monthly newsletters, support for both computer and genealogy issues and Internet surname exposure are among the benefits of membership. .
For questions about CAGGNI, contact or
This Meeting will be at Arlington Heights Memorial Library, 500 North Dunton Avenue, in Arlington Heights. There will be no meeting in December. The 2012 schedule will resume at Schaumburg Library.
Dr. Trevor Steinbach is not only a Civil War Medical Reenactor but has done extensive research on all four of the people that he portrays. His quest to research Dr. C.A. Bucher from his home town Batavia has taken over 10 years. The processes that he used and the data that he uncovered while research 4 Civil War Surgeons will both entertain and provide the audience with new resources.
Dr. Steinbach has been portraying Civil War medical officers since the early 1990’s. His current personas include Dr. James R.M. Gaskill from 17th Corps Field Hospital and Dr. Urban G. Owen from the Army of Tennessee Field Hospital. He has written a monthly column on Civil War Medicine for the Civil War Courier Magazine since 2003. He is a board member of the Society of Civil War Surgeons, the national organization for medical reenactors.
CAGGNI is a group of amateur genealogists who are committed to using technology and the internet more effectively in support of their family history research activities.
CAGGNI meets at 10:30am on the third Saturday of every month except December at the Schaumburg Township District Library. Monthly meeting topics cover a broad range of subjects of interest in supporting genealogical activities including software, tools, techniques and methodologies. Additionally, monthly newsletters, support for both computer and genealogy issues and Internet surname exposure are among the benefits of membership. .
For questions about CAGGNI, contact or
More Help With Polish Genealogy
Looking for Help to Find Your Polish Ancestors?
Members of the Polish Genealogical Society of America (PGSA) are available on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the PMA library to help with your research challenges. However, if you are unable to stop by, you can e-mail an inquiry to or go to , Click on "How To...." in the side bar and access "Frequently Asked Questions" , where you will find answers to the most often asked questions. In fact, visiting FAQ's first might save you having to send that e-mail.
Members of the Polish Genealogical Society of America (PGSA) are available on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the PMA library to help with your research challenges. However, if you are unable to stop by, you can e-mail an inquiry to or go to , Click on "How To...." in the side bar and access "Frequently Asked Questions" , where you will find answers to the most often asked questions. In fact, visiting FAQ's first might save you having to send that e-mail.
Researching Polish Genealogy
McHenry County Illinois Genealogical Society (MCIGS) presents Researching Polish Genealogy on
November 10, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. in the McHenry Public Library, 809 N. Front St. (Route 31), McHenry, IL 60050, (815) 385-0036. The Guest Speaker will be Cynthia Piech of the Polish Genealogical Society of America.
November 10, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. in the McHenry Public Library, 809 N. Front St. (Route 31), McHenry, IL 60050, (815) 385-0036. The Guest Speaker will be Cynthia Piech of the Polish Genealogical Society of America.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Cook County Property Records
Jeanne Bloom CG(SM) will present Polished Gems: Property Records of Cook County at the next meeting of the Northwest Suburban Council of Genealogists.
The meeting will be held on Saturday, November 5, at 10:00 AM at The Arlington Heights Senior Center, 1801 W Central Rd, Arlington Heights, IL
Plan to arrive at 9:30 AM, prior to the presentation, for casual discussion or to exchange information with others who enjoy genealogy.
Unlike most of the counties in Illinois, Cook County property records are organized by legal descriptions. To obtain a legal description, a researcher must know the current address of the property. Real estate documents recorded after 1871 are first recorded in tract books. Document numbers are then recorded in paging books. Jeanne will explain where to go and what steps to take to locate your property records.
Jeanne Bloom CG(SM) is a full-time professional researcher specializing in Chicago and Cook County research, problem solving and multi-generational family histories. She conducts research projects for government agencies, attorneys, authors, newspapers, heir-search firms, professional genealogists, and family researchers. Jeanne searches and identifies family members of unaccounted servicemen from WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. Jeanne writes articles for scholarly journals and society publications and is a frequent lecturer at conferences, workshops, and institutes. She has served as the editor of a book and a newsletter.
Northwest Suburban Council of Genealogists
P.O. Box 148 ● Mount Prospect, Illinois, 60056.
The meeting will be held on Saturday, November 5, at 10:00 AM at The Arlington Heights Senior Center, 1801 W Central Rd, Arlington Heights, IL
Plan to arrive at 9:30 AM, prior to the presentation, for casual discussion or to exchange information with others who enjoy genealogy.
Unlike most of the counties in Illinois, Cook County property records are organized by legal descriptions. To obtain a legal description, a researcher must know the current address of the property. Real estate documents recorded after 1871 are first recorded in tract books. Document numbers are then recorded in paging books. Jeanne will explain where to go and what steps to take to locate your property records.
Jeanne Bloom CG(SM) is a full-time professional researcher specializing in Chicago and Cook County research, problem solving and multi-generational family histories. She conducts research projects for government agencies, attorneys, authors, newspapers, heir-search firms, professional genealogists, and family researchers. Jeanne searches and identifies family members of unaccounted servicemen from WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. Jeanne writes articles for scholarly journals and society publications and is a frequent lecturer at conferences, workshops, and institutes. She has served as the editor of a book and a newsletter.
Northwest Suburban Council of Genealogists
P.O. Box 148 ● Mount Prospect, Illinois, 60056.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Glenview's Gold Star Heroes
The Library was grateful to receive a copy of the DVD They Have Gone Forth...Glenview's Gold Star Heroes, Nov. 11, 2010 from Beverly Dawson and the Glenview History Center.
The DVD is in the Genealogy & Local History Room in the Glenview Collection at call number RRA 305.90697 THE DVD.
This is a 60 minute recording of a televised presentation from GVTV by Beverly Dawson and Nancy Spears about the lives and military service of the 21 Glenview residents whose names are inscribed on Glenview's Veteran's Memorial.
The veterans are: Joseph M. Sesterhenn. -- Howard S. Henderson. -- Oswald L. Asplundh, Jr. -- Reinhard H. Sternberg. -- Robert C. Ostdick. -- Frederick C. Gordon. -- Leo J. Herriges. -- Richard J. Barber. -- Horace R. Brown. -- Edmund L. Leach. -- Alfred F. Schneider. -- Michael J. Dermody. -- Truman E. Rose. -- Charles A. Newman. -- John T. Filpi. -- Stephen H. De Merjan. -- Patrick J. Connor. -- Marcus E. Ameson. -- Kennetgh T. Keller, Jr. -- Brian M. Kennedy. -- Christopher E. Zimny.
The DVD is in the Genealogy & Local History Room in the Glenview Collection at call number RRA 305.90697 THE DVD.
This is a 60 minute recording of a televised presentation from GVTV by Beverly Dawson and Nancy Spears about the lives and military service of the 21 Glenview residents whose names are inscribed on Glenview's Veteran's Memorial.
The veterans are: Joseph M. Sesterhenn. -- Howard S. Henderson. -- Oswald L. Asplundh, Jr. -- Reinhard H. Sternberg. -- Robert C. Ostdick. -- Frederick C. Gordon. -- Leo J. Herriges. -- Richard J. Barber. -- Horace R. Brown. -- Edmund L. Leach. -- Alfred F. Schneider. -- Michael J. Dermody. -- Truman E. Rose. -- Charles A. Newman. -- John T. Filpi. -- Stephen H. De Merjan. -- Patrick J. Connor. -- Marcus E. Ameson. -- Kennetgh T. Keller, Jr. -- Brian M. Kennedy. -- Christopher E. Zimny.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Women and WWII
Kathryn Barrett will present Women and World War II at the next meeting of the Northwest Suburban Council of Genealogists.
The meeting will be held on Saturday, October 1, at 10:00 AM at the Arlington Heights Senior Center, 1801 W Central Rd., Arlington Heights, IL. At 9:30 AM, prior to the presentation, there will be casual discussion and exchange of information with others who enjoy genealogy.
Much has been written about the men who served in WWII - but what about the women? The impact of this war affected all aspects of a woman’s life - not just those who came to be characterized as “Rosie the Riveter”. The history of the women in military and civilian service will be explored as well as day-to-day life adjustments made to accommodate a dramatic change in American culture.
Kathryn Barrett is a genealogy researcher, teacher and lecturer at the local, regional and national level using her 35 years of genealogy experience. Kathryn has been a volunteer at the National Archives & Records Administration (NARA)-Great Lakes Regional Center for more than 15 years. Kathryn is a professional member of the National Genealogical Society (NGS), the Federation of Genealogical Society (FGS) and the Wisconsin State Historical Society. Kathryn’s presentations have been made to various genealogical societies, libraries, conferences and other special interest groups.
The meeting will be held on Saturday, October 1, at 10:00 AM at the Arlington Heights Senior Center, 1801 W Central Rd., Arlington Heights, IL. At 9:30 AM, prior to the presentation, there will be casual discussion and exchange of information with others who enjoy genealogy.
Much has been written about the men who served in WWII - but what about the women? The impact of this war affected all aspects of a woman’s life - not just those who came to be characterized as “Rosie the Riveter”. The history of the women in military and civilian service will be explored as well as day-to-day life adjustments made to accommodate a dramatic change in American culture.
Kathryn Barrett is a genealogy researcher, teacher and lecturer at the local, regional and national level using her 35 years of genealogy experience. Kathryn has been a volunteer at the National Archives & Records Administration (NARA)-Great Lakes Regional Center for more than 15 years. Kathryn is a professional member of the National Genealogical Society (NGS), the Federation of Genealogical Society (FGS) and the Wisconsin State Historical Society. Kathryn’s presentations have been made to various genealogical societies, libraries, conferences and other special interest groups.
Arlington National Cemetery Gravesite Accountability Task Force
Are your ancestors buried in Arlington National Cemetery?
The Gravesite Accountability Task Force has been charged with verifying all cemetery records for the nearly 260,000 people who have been interred at Arlington since 1864.
The Task Force is to verify cemetery records, and fix discrepancies. The Old Guard (the Army unit responsible for manning the Tomb of the Unknowns 24×365) has responsibility for photographing every tombstone front and back. Target date for completion of photography is end of October 2011.
All existing documents and records are being scanned. All digital information will be cross referenced and verified, and made public on the cemetery's website.
Read more in the Fort Bragg Patch.
It is currently possible to locate a grave and get a temporary pass to drive there, but it is a time consuming process. The new database should make the search easier and more accurate.
The Gravesite Accountability Task Force has been charged with verifying all cemetery records for the nearly 260,000 people who have been interred at Arlington since 1864.
The Task Force is to verify cemetery records, and fix discrepancies. The Old Guard (the Army unit responsible for manning the Tomb of the Unknowns 24×365) has responsibility for photographing every tombstone front and back. Target date for completion of photography is end of October 2011.
All existing documents and records are being scanned. All digital information will be cross referenced and verified, and made public on the cemetery's website.
Read more in the Fort Bragg Patch.
It is currently possible to locate a grave and get a temporary pass to drive there, but it is a time consuming process. The new database should make the search easier and more accurate.
Monday, August 29, 2011
GFT on September 6
Genealogy First Tuesday (GFT) is scheduled for 6 - 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 6 in the Genealogy Room of the Glenview Public Library.
Genealogists and researchers at any level of experience are welcome.
Registration is recommended but not required. To register call the Reference Desk, (847) 729-7500 x2700.
There is no set topic. Bring along whatever you are working on in genealogy, and discussions will take their inspiration from that. We will be happy to provide tips, guidance, and training. You can also sit back and listen as your fellow genealogists share stories and advice about their research.
If you want in-depth guidance in a specific area, you can contact Deena in advance, (847) 901-5948 or
Genealogists and researchers at any level of experience are welcome.
Registration is recommended but not required. To register call the Reference Desk, (847) 729-7500 x2700.
There is no set topic. Bring along whatever you are working on in genealogy, and discussions will take their inspiration from that. We will be happy to provide tips, guidance, and training. You can also sit back and listen as your fellow genealogists share stories and advice about their research.
If you want in-depth guidance in a specific area, you can contact Deena in advance, (847) 901-5948 or
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Footnote is Now Fold3
Your current Free Footnote registration will work on Fold3 and you can sign in with your same email address and password. Any contributions you have made to Footnote will also move over to Fold3.
Fold3 is the Web's premier collection and destination for original U.S. military records. Footnote is refocusing its efforts on gathering the best online collection of military records and stories, and wanted a name that would reflect military history and honor.
Traditionally, the third fold in a flag-folding ceremony honors and remembers veterans for their sacrifice in defending their country and promoting peace in the world.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
"Tall Trees: an Illustrated History"
There is now a circulating copy of Tall Trees by Dan Wassmann at the Glenview Public Library. You can see it, and check it out, at 977.31 WAS.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Genealogy First Tuesday, August 2
Genealogy First Tuesday (GFT) takes place the first Tuesday of every month.
The GFT for August 2011 will take place from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Genealogy Room on the 2nd floor.
There is no set program. GFT events are driven by your input.
Bring your research, and tell us where you are stuck. We will do our best to help you get un-stuck.
Wifi is available throughout the building. The 2 Genealogy Room PCs will be available for you to use, but you are also encouraged to bring your laptop.
Registration is encouraged but not required. To register, call the Reference Desk at (847) 729-7500 x2700.
The GFT for August 2011 will take place from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Genealogy Room on the 2nd floor.
There is no set program. GFT events are driven by your input.
Bring your research, and tell us where you are stuck. We will do our best to help you get un-stuck.
Wifi is available throughout the building. The 2 Genealogy Room PCs will be available for you to use, but you are also encouraged to bring your laptop.
Registration is encouraged but not required. To register, call the Reference Desk at (847) 729-7500 x2700.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Who Sank Grandpa's Boat?
Dan Niemiec will present Who Sank Grandpa’s Boat at the next meeting of the Northwest Suburban Council of Genealogists.
The meeting will be held on Saturday, August 27, 2011 at 10:00 AM at the Arlington Heights Senior Center, 1801 W. Central Rd, Arlington Heights, IL
9:30 AM, prior to the presentation, there will be casual discussion and information exchange with others who enjoy genealogy.
Looking for that elusive ancestor that came to America by boat, but hitting a brick wall? Dan will explain helpful techniques for finding those passenger manifests.
Dan Niemiec is the Italian genealogy correspondent of Fra-Noi. He is co-founder, co-chair and webmaster of the Italian genealogy group called POINTers In Person, Chicago-North chapter. He has given presentations to local and national genealogy conferences and societies. His Italian ancestral lines go back to the mid-late 1600’s and his Polish lines go back to the mid 1700’s. By tracing descendant lines, he has found over 62,000 relatives, the result of 17 years of original research. Northwest Suburban Council of Genealogists
P.O. Box 148 ● Mount Prospect, Illinois, 60056
The meeting will be held on Saturday, August 27, 2011 at 10:00 AM at the Arlington Heights Senior Center, 1801 W. Central Rd, Arlington Heights, IL
9:30 AM, prior to the presentation, there will be casual discussion and information exchange with others who enjoy genealogy.
Looking for that elusive ancestor that came to America by boat, but hitting a brick wall? Dan will explain helpful techniques for finding those passenger manifests.
Dan Niemiec is the Italian genealogy correspondent of Fra-Noi. He is co-founder, co-chair and webmaster of the Italian genealogy group called POINTers In Person, Chicago-North chapter. He has given presentations to local and national genealogy conferences and societies. His Italian ancestral lines go back to the mid-late 1600’s and his Polish lines go back to the mid 1700’s. By tracing descendant lines, he has found over 62,000 relatives, the result of 17 years of original research. Northwest Suburban Council of Genealogists
P.O. Box 148 ● Mount Prospect, Illinois, 60056
Friday, July 22, 2011
Newspaper Class, July 26, 2 pm
There are still openings in the Tuesday afternoon online genealogy class about newspapers.
The class will cover finding newspapers and obits, and how to use our our newspaper databases.
To register, call the Reference Desk, (847) 729-7500 x2700.
The class will cover finding newspapers and obits, and how to use our our newspaper databases.
To register, call the Reference Desk, (847) 729-7500 x2700.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
How Libraries Can Help With Your Genealogy Research
WHAT??!! Research a library BEFORE I go?
• What does this library have to offer a genealogist?
• What geographical area does its records cover?
• What period of time do the records cover?
• How extensive is the collection?
For 33+ years, the Polish Genealogical Society of America has been an important resource for individuals, novice thru seasoned, looking for their Polish roots. They can help you deal with the myths and challenges of ethnic research.
You are invited to attend a special one-time meeting at the Arlington Heights Memorial Library, 500 N. Dunton Ave., Arlington Heights IL, Sunday, August 14, 2011 – 2 P.M.
Library opens at noon, closes at 5:30 p.m.; ample free parking; restrooms; liquid refreshments; walking distance from NW train station.
Michael Mulholland, Local History/Genealogy Librarian & PGSA member, will focus on how to research before you visit a library to determine if the collection will help with your research; lecture followed by tour of the genealogy collection.
• What does this library have to offer a genealogist?
• What geographical area does its records cover?
• What period of time do the records cover?
• How extensive is the collection?
For 33+ years, the Polish Genealogical Society of America has been an important resource for individuals, novice thru seasoned, looking for their Polish roots. They can help you deal with the myths and challenges of ethnic research.
You are invited to attend a special one-time meeting at the Arlington Heights Memorial Library, 500 N. Dunton Ave., Arlington Heights IL, Sunday, August 14, 2011 – 2 P.M.
Library opens at noon, closes at 5:30 p.m.; ample free parking; restrooms; liquid refreshments; walking distance from NW train station.
Michael Mulholland, Local History/Genealogy Librarian & PGSA member, will focus on how to research before you visit a library to determine if the collection will help with your research; lecture followed by tour of the genealogy collection.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Walter Reed
Sunday - JULY 31st
Regular JGSI Meeting at Temple Beth Israel - 3601 W. Dempster in Skokie
12:30 p.m. The temple will open for those interested in using library materials, have genealogical questions or need help with website searches.
2:00 Program: JGSI member Walter Reed will speak. Walter is a Holocaust survivor and one of the children of Chateau de La Hille, a group of kids rescued after World War II's Kristallnacht and taken to the South of France after the Germans invaded Brussels.
Regular JGSI Meeting at Temple Beth Israel - 3601 W. Dempster in Skokie
12:30 p.m. The temple will open for those interested in using library materials, have genealogical questions or need help with website searches.
2:00 Program: JGSI member Walter Reed will speak. Walter is a Holocaust survivor and one of the children of Chateau de La Hille, a group of kids rescued after World War II's Kristallnacht and taken to the South of France after the Germans invaded Brussels.
The July monthly meeting of CAGGNI (Computer-Assisted Genealogy Group of Northern Illinois) features a presentation on PERSI (PERiodical Source Index), a widely-used subject index relating to genealogy and local history periodicals dating back to the early 1800's. There are 1.7 million searchable records in 6000 different periodicals.
The speaker is Carol Bartlett, Ela Area Public Library Genealogy Specialist. Please join CAGGNI to learn how to enhance your genealogy research.
The meeting takes place from 10:30 to 12:30 at the Schaumburg Township District Library, 130 S. Roselle Road in Schaumburg on Saturday, July 16th.
The speaker is Carol Bartlett, Ela Area Public Library Genealogy Specialist. Please join CAGGNI to learn how to enhance your genealogy research.
The meeting takes place from 10:30 to 12:30 at the Schaumburg Township District Library, 130 S. Roselle Road in Schaumburg on Saturday, July 16th.
Friday, July 8, 2011
PGSA Conference Coming Soon!
Polish Genealogical Society of America 33rd Annual Conference:
Puzzled by the Past? Put the Pieces Together!
Saturday, October 1, 2011.
Hilton Garden Inn, 2930 S. River Road, Des Plaines, IL
Featured speakers Matthew Bielawa and Jonathan Shea will present a program that takes you from research in the U.S. to the Archives of Poland.
Topics will include:
➢➢Starting at Home: The Basics of Polish-American Genealogical Research
➢➢Gazetteers, Maps, Geographical Dictionaries for Polish Genealogical Research
➢➢Three Ring Circus: Researching Roots Across Poland and Its Three Partitions
➢➢Vital Genealogy: A Tour of Vital Records Across Poland
➢➢Websites for the Polish Researcher/Beyond Vital Records—What else awaits you in the Polish Archives
September 30, 2011 - Optional bus tour of Polish Chicago.
All-day motor coach tour will include a visit to St. Stanislaus Kostka, the Polish Museum of America (with a hot Polish lunch catered by Kasia’s), and other historical sites in the Polish community.
Puzzled by the Past? Put the Pieces Together!
Saturday, October 1, 2011.
Hilton Garden Inn, 2930 S. River Road, Des Plaines, IL
Featured speakers Matthew Bielawa and Jonathan Shea will present a program that takes you from research in the U.S. to the Archives of Poland.
Topics will include:
➢➢Starting at Home: The Basics of Polish-American Genealogical Research
➢➢Gazetteers, Maps, Geographical Dictionaries for Polish Genealogical Research
➢➢Three Ring Circus: Researching Roots Across Poland and Its Three Partitions
➢➢Vital Genealogy: A Tour of Vital Records Across Poland
➢➢Websites for the Polish Researcher/Beyond Vital Records—What else awaits you in the Polish Archives
September 30, 2011 - Optional bus tour of Polish Chicago.
All-day motor coach tour will include a visit to St. Stanislaus Kostka, the Polish Museum of America (with a hot Polish lunch catered by Kasia’s), and other historical sites in the Polish community.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
In honor of Independence Day, has launched the Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970, a collection of more than one million applications from men with a direct link to either a supporter or participant in the fight for United States independence during the 18th century. This collection is FREE through July 4th.
You can also access Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970, on Ancestry Library Editiion at the Glenview Public Library.
You can also access Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970, on Ancestry Library Editiion at the Glenview Public Library.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Tall Trees
Tall Trees: An Illustrated History, by Dan Wassmann, c2011.
This book details the development of the Tall Trees subdivision from its early years as a landscape nursery to the community of almost 200 homes it is today.
You can read Tall Trees: An Illustrated History in the Glenview Public Library Genealogy & Local History Room. Find it at call number RRA 977.31 WAS.
This book details the development of the Tall Trees subdivision from its early years as a landscape nursery to the community of almost 200 homes it is today.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
GFT on Tuesday, July 5
There will be a GFT (Genealogy First Tuesday) on Tuesday evening, July 5, 6 to 8:30 pm in the Genealogy / Local History room.
Registration is encouraged but not required. To register, call the Reference Desk at (847) 729-7500 x2700.
On your way up that evening, stop at the Circulation (Checkout) Desk and tell them you are attending the GFT. Ask them to add your car to their "Worry Free List" for extended parking time.
You will be able to use the Lundberg and Glenview Collections, and no library card will be requuired to use the genealogy databases on the two genealogy PCs in that room.
You can also bring your laptop and your genealogy questions.
There is no set program. Conversation is driven by whatever you are researching and working on. You can notify Deena in advance regarding topics you want to know more about.
We will all help each other get "Unstuck!"
See you on July 5!.
Registration is encouraged but not required. To register, call the Reference Desk at (847) 729-7500 x2700.
On your way up that evening, stop at the Circulation (Checkout) Desk and tell them you are attending the GFT. Ask them to add your car to their "Worry Free List" for extended parking time.
You will be able to use the Lundberg and Glenview Collections, and no library card will be requuired to use the genealogy databases on the two genealogy PCs in that room.
You can also bring your laptop and your genealogy questions.
There is no set program. Conversation is driven by whatever you are researching and working on. You can notify Deena in advance regarding topics you want to know more about.
We will all help each other get "Unstuck!"
See you on July 5!.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
1940 Census Enumeration
Instructions to enumerators of the 1940 Census are illuminating. Reading them provides an idea of what the questions involved, and how to interpret the information they contain.
Medical Genetics in Genealogy
The Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois will host a presentation about medical genetics at its next meeting. Everyone is welcome.
DATE: Sunday JUNE 26th -Temple Beth Israel - 3601 W. Dempster in Skokie 12:30 p.m. The temple will open for those interested in using library materials, have genealogical questions or need help with website searches.
PROGRAM: 2:00: Medical Genetics. Scott Weissman, MS and Certified Genetic Counselor at the Center for Medical Genetics at North Shore University Health System will give an update on the status of Jewish genetic issues.
DATE: Sunday JUNE 26th -Temple Beth Israel - 3601 W. Dempster in Skokie 12:30 p.m. The temple will open for those interested in using library materials, have genealogical questions or need help with website searches.
PROGRAM: 2:00: Medical Genetics. Scott Weissman, MS and Certified Genetic Counselor at the Center for Medical Genetics at North Shore University Health System will give an update on the status of Jewish genetic issues.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Genealogy First Tuesday: TODAY, 2 P.M.!
Today is the First Tuesday of June.
Come to Genealogy First Tuesday (GFT) 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Genealogy room. Feel free to bring your laptop. There will also be 2 library PCs for us to share.
If you plan to stay the entire 2.5 hours but are worried about the 2-hour parking limit, stop at the Circulation Desk on your way up to the Genealogy Room. Tell them you are attending the GFT, and add your car to their "safe" list.
[please note: an incorrect time was printed in the Wilmette Life and in the GPL e-newsletter. In ODD months, GFTs happen at 6 pm. In EVEN months, GFTs happen at 2 pm. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.]
Come to Genealogy First Tuesday (GFT) 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Genealogy room. Feel free to bring your laptop. There will also be 2 library PCs for us to share.
If you plan to stay the entire 2.5 hours but are worried about the 2-hour parking limit, stop at the Circulation Desk on your way up to the Genealogy Room. Tell them you are attending the GFT, and add your car to their "safe" list.
[please note: an incorrect time was printed in the Wilmette Life and in the GPL e-newsletter. In ODD months, GFTs happen at 6 pm. In EVEN months, GFTs happen at 2 pm. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.]
Saturday, June 4, 2011
How To Self-Publish Your Genealogy Book
You can self-publish a book and sell it on Amazon. They have a service to help anyone self-publish books, and list them in Amazon's catalog.
Here's how:
1.Go to Amazon's self-publishing web site, CreateSpace, and create a free account.
2.Select the size of the pages in the book you wish to publish and then download a Microsoft Word template for that size of book.
3.Copy your manuscript into the template. That template will determine left and right side pages, generate page numbers, generate the table of contents, and other formatting.
4.Make a cover. You can do all the artwork yourself, hire it out, or use one of CreateSpace's pre-defined formats.
5.Save the result as a PDF file and then upload it to CreateSpace. The CreateSpace service will even assign the ISBN number You also need to determine the price of the finished book.
CreateSpace will send a proof to you. If you approve, the finished book will be in's catalog within two or three business days.
The royalty paid to you varies widely, depending upon the price you set and the size of the book.
CreateSpace has excellent customer support. Click on the Call Me icon and, within 30 seconds, a customer service representative will call your phone.
No products are manufactured ahead of time so there is no inventory to worry about, and your titles are shipped directly to the end customer.
Marketing and promoting the book is entirely up uo you. But the Glenview Public Library has many wonderful books about marketing your product that you can check out. Try A Simple Guide to Marketing Your Book by Mark Ortman 808.02 ORT; The Complete Guide to Book Marketing by Cole David 070.5 COL. or The Complete Guide to Book Publicity by Jodee Blanco 002.068 BLA.
Here's how:
1.Go to Amazon's self-publishing web site, CreateSpace, and create a free account.
2.Select the size of the pages in the book you wish to publish and then download a Microsoft Word template for that size of book.
3.Copy your manuscript into the template. That template will determine left and right side pages, generate page numbers, generate the table of contents, and other formatting.
4.Make a cover. You can do all the artwork yourself, hire it out, or use one of CreateSpace's pre-defined formats.
5.Save the result as a PDF file and then upload it to CreateSpace. The CreateSpace service will even assign the ISBN number You also need to determine the price of the finished book.
CreateSpace will send a proof to you. If you approve, the finished book will be in's catalog within two or three business days.
The royalty paid to you varies widely, depending upon the price you set and the size of the book.
CreateSpace has excellent customer support. Click on the Call Me icon and, within 30 seconds, a customer service representative will call your phone.
No products are manufactured ahead of time so there is no inventory to worry about, and your titles are shipped directly to the end customer.
Marketing and promoting the book is entirely up uo you. But the Glenview Public Library has many wonderful books about marketing your product that you can check out. Try A Simple Guide to Marketing Your Book by Mark Ortman 808.02 ORT; The Complete Guide to Book Marketing by Cole David 070.5 COL. or The Complete Guide to Book Publicity by Jodee Blanco 002.068 BLA.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Genealogy Speakers
GeneaSpeak lists speaking engagements and profiles of genealogy speakers and presenters as well as calls for papers and upcoming genealogy conferences.
If you want to hear a speaker who specializes in your area of research...or hire a speaker on a certain topic for your group...or promote yourself, if you are a genealogy speaker... GeneaSpeak may be able to help you.
If you want to hear a speaker who specializes in your area of research...or hire a speaker on a certain topic for your group...or promote yourself, if you are a genealogy speaker... GeneaSpeak may be able to help you.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
The Great Illinois Genealogy Scavenger Hunt
The Great Illinois Genealogy Scavenger Hunt contest is sponsored by the Illinois State Genealogical Society (ISGS) in conjunction with Family Search..
It will run from June 1, 2011 through 11:59 pm Thursday, June 30, 2011.
Locate information on your favorite Illinois genealogy-related resource, and tell why it is worthy of inclusion in the FamilySearch Research Wiki. Submit your article or a hyperlink via Official Entry Form. Be sure to check the Illinois Page on Family Search to see which articles and links are already listed.
Be sure to read the Official Contest Rules. There are some nice prizes, including ISGS membership, conference registrations, etc.
Good luck...and enjoy searching for the best Illinois genealogy resources!
It will run from June 1, 2011 through 11:59 pm Thursday, June 30, 2011.
Locate information on your favorite Illinois genealogy-related resource, and tell why it is worthy of inclusion in the FamilySearch Research Wiki. Submit your article or a hyperlink via Official Entry Form. Be sure to check the Illinois Page on Family Search to see which articles and links are already listed.
Be sure to read the Official Contest Rules. There are some nice prizes, including ISGS membership, conference registrations, etc.
Good luck...and enjoy searching for the best Illinois genealogy resources!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Federal Court Records: Class, June 11 at NARA
Have you checked federal court records in your family history hunt?
If not, then consider attending the upcoming workshop, Using Court Records to Find Local and Family History to learn about the federal court cases available at the National Archives at Chicago.
When: Saturday, June 11, 2011, from 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Where: National Archives at Chicago, 7358 South Pulaski Road, Chicago, Illinois
The cost is $10.00 per person, payable at the door.
To register, send your name, e-mail address, phone number, and mailing address to Kris Maldre, Education Specialist, at . Upon receipt, your workshop registration will be confirmed via e-mail.
If you have further questions, please contact The National Archives at Chicago at 773-948-9010.
If not, then consider attending the upcoming workshop, Using Court Records to Find Local and Family History to learn about the federal court cases available at the National Archives at Chicago.
When: Saturday, June 11, 2011, from 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Where: National Archives at Chicago, 7358 South Pulaski Road, Chicago, Illinois
The cost is $10.00 per person, payable at the door.
To register, send your name, e-mail address, phone number, and mailing address to Kris Maldre, Education Specialist, at . Upon receipt, your workshop registration will be confirmed via e-mail.
If you have further questions, please contact The National Archives at Chicago at 773-948-9010.
Friday, May 20, 2011
1940 Is Coming in 2012!
It's less than a year now!
The Ancestry Insider says: "The 1940 US Federal Census images, 3.2 million of them, will be released to the public on the NARA website on 2 April 2012. will then work to produce indexes of the 132 million people."
The Ancestry Insider says: "The 1940 US Federal Census images, 3.2 million of them, will be released to the public on the NARA website on 2 April 2012. will then work to produce indexes of the 132 million people."
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Attention: Liberator Veterans!
There is a post on Dick Eastman's Genealogy Blog this morning that might appeal to WW2 Liberator Veterans.
The Collings Foundation is producing The Last Liberator for a TV series in June. They would like to interview B-24 or B-17 crewmembers. If you are interested in participating, please send a short biography and picture to Hunter Chaney at .
The Collings Foundation publishes a newsletter called the Mission Briefing.
The Collings Foundation is producing The Last Liberator for a TV series in June. They would like to interview B-24 or B-17 crewmembers. If you are interested in participating, please send a short biography and picture to Hunter Chaney at .
The Collings Foundation publishes a newsletter called the Mission Briefing.
Civil War Records at FamilySearch
FamilySearch commemorates the 150th anniversary of the Civil War by providing free access to millions of records from the time of the U.S. Civil War. Many of these records document events related to the war and its aftermath.
More collections are being added, and FamilySearch needs the support of the community to help index these records and make them available for searching. They encourage everyone to help them index Civil War Records.
More collections are being added, and FamilySearch needs the support of the community to help index these records and make them available for searching. They encourage everyone to help them index Civil War Records.
Friday, May 13, 2011
German Immigration
The DANK Haus German American Cultural Center and Museum currently has an exhibit entitled Hamburg Emigration Port: A Visual Story of German Emigration..
Between 1850 and 1939, more than five million European emigrants left their homelands via the Port of Hamburg. They came from Central and Eastern Europe, as well as Germany. This exhibit reflects the complicated patterns of immigration in the nineteenth century.
The DANK Haus is located at 4740 N. Western Ave., Chicago, IL. 60625. It is open on Saturdays between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Admission is free. For more information call (773) 561-9181.
Between 1850 and 1939, more than five million European emigrants left their homelands via the Port of Hamburg. They came from Central and Eastern Europe, as well as Germany. This exhibit reflects the complicated patterns of immigration in the nineteenth century.
The DANK Haus is located at 4740 N. Western Ave., Chicago, IL. 60625. It is open on Saturdays between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Admission is free. For more information call (773) 561-9181.
Ireland Genealogy
Irish genealogical research is hindered by the lack of complete census information prior to1901.
Ireland Genealogy is a database of Irish pension record spplications, which contain essential information from the 1841 and 1851 censuses for the whole of Ireland.
Records that might pertain to your family can be ordered online.
Ireland Genealogy is a database of Irish pension record spplications, which contain essential information from the 1841 and 1851 censuses for the whole of Ireland.
Records that might pertain to your family can be ordered online.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Software Programs Panel
Software Programs Panel: Saturday, May 14, 1 pm
NSGS members Barbara Bennett, Bob Bremer, Barbara Garrison, Fran Kinney and Jane Lahey will discuss the pros and cons of four popular programs: Family Tree Maker, Reunion (for the Mac), Personal Ancestral File (PAF) and later versions; and Brother’s Keeper.
Meetings are at the Northbrook History Museum
1776 Walters Drive
Northbrook IL 60062
The North Suburban Genealogical Society
Winnetka Public Library
768 Oak Street
Winnetka, IL 60093
847-446-7220 ext. Genealogy
NSGS members Barbara Bennett, Bob Bremer, Barbara Garrison, Fran Kinney and Jane Lahey will discuss the pros and cons of four popular programs: Family Tree Maker, Reunion (for the Mac), Personal Ancestral File (PAF) and later versions; and Brother’s Keeper.
Meetings are at the Northbrook History Museum
1776 Walters Drive
Northbrook IL 60062
The North Suburban Genealogical Society
Winnetka Public Library
768 Oak Street
Winnetka, IL 60093
847-446-7220 ext. Genealogy
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
"Did You Really Start With Yourself?"
Read Did You Really Start With Yourself? a wonderful article that illustrates the correct foundation for your research, by genealogist William Dollarhide at the Genealogy Pointers Archives.
The Archives include the text of Genealogy Pointers e-newsletters, which are available weekly to subscribers of the free newsletter from Each issue contains an informative article about some aspect of genealogy, written by a well-known expert.. Mr. Dollarhide's article is in the May 10 newsletter.
The Archives include the text of Genealogy Pointers e-newsletters, which are available weekly to subscribers of the free newsletter from Each issue contains an informative article about some aspect of genealogy, written by a well-known expert.. Mr. Dollarhide's article is in the May 10 newsletter.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Judith R. Frazin: Beginners' Workshop
Special meeting of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois:
Sunday - MAY 15th
1:30 P.M. at Northbrook Public Library
1201 Cedar Lane in Northbrook
Beginners' Workshop presented by Judith R. Frazin
This presentation will help you to get started researching your family. It will focus on the steps in doing a family history and will discuss the records which are available, where you can find them and what information they contain.
Sunday - MAY 15th
1:30 P.M. at Northbrook Public Library
1201 Cedar Lane in Northbrook
Beginners' Workshop presented by Judith R. Frazin
This presentation will help you to get started researching your family. It will focus on the steps in doing a family history and will discuss the records which are available, where you can find them and what information they contain.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Black Loyalist
Black Loyalist is an interesting, well-designed website that may help people researching their African-American family history. It provides biographical data for individuals who ran away to join the British during the American Revolution and were evacuated as free people in 1783.
The project emerged from the research of Cassandra Pybus for her book Epic Journeys of Freedom: Runaway Slaves of the American Revolution and Their Global Quest for Liberty .
The Sources page links to transcripts and where possible actual digitized copies of sources that are featured on the site.
The project emerged from the research of Cassandra Pybus for her book Epic Journeys of Freedom: Runaway Slaves of the American Revolution and Their Global Quest for Liberty .
The Sources page links to transcripts and where possible actual digitized copies of sources that are featured on the site.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Genealogy Volunteers
We are pleased to introduce our two genealogy room volunteers, Barbara Coughlin and Susan Groff.
Barbara will be in the Genealogy Room on most Mondays from 1 pm to 4 pm. She has been working on her family history for five years, and is knowledgeable about US and UK records. Barbara is experienced in using online genealogy databases such as Ancestry, and with Family Tree Maker software for managing her family trees. She is also an experienced vital records indexer, and plans to help us index our historic Glenview newspapers.
Susan Groff has been volunteering at the Library for several years on our Glenview Obituary Index. Susan updates the index, which now contains more than 11,000 entries. She will staff the Genealogy Room from 10 am to 2 pm on most Thursdays.
Call the Genealogy Room at (847) 729-7500 x2709, or stop by.
Welcome, Susan and Barbara!
Barbara will be in the Genealogy Room on most Mondays from 1 pm to 4 pm. She has been working on her family history for five years, and is knowledgeable about US and UK records. Barbara is experienced in using online genealogy databases such as Ancestry, and with Family Tree Maker software for managing her family trees. She is also an experienced vital records indexer, and plans to help us index our historic Glenview newspapers.
Susan Groff has been volunteering at the Library for several years on our Glenview Obituary Index. Susan updates the index, which now contains more than 11,000 entries. She will staff the Genealogy Room from 10 am to 2 pm on most Thursdays.
Call the Genealogy Room at (847) 729-7500 x2709, or stop by.
Welcome, Susan and Barbara!
Norwegian Genealogy
Caron Primas Brennan will present Uff Da! Researching My Norwegian Roots at the next meeting of the Northwest Suburban Council of Genealogists.
Where: Forest View Educational Center, Room 100, 2121 S. Goebbert Road, Arlington Heights, Illinois
When: The meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 17, 2011 at 7:30 p.m.
Caron will share what she has learned through researching her own elusive Norwegian great-grandparents and discovering her cousins in Scandinavia. She will discuss research locations and guides, lessons learned, and other helpful hints.
Caron Primas Brennan loves history, puzzles and a good mystery, which makes her perfectly suited to genealogy research! She has been researching her family history since a 6th grade school project piqued her curiosity. Caron primarily uses The Master Genealogist as well as Family Tree Maker software and to share her passion with others in her family. She is currently the Webmaster and Newsletter Publisher for Computer Assisted Genealogy Group of Northern Illinois.
Northwest Suburban Council of Genealogists
P.O. Box 148 ● Mount Prospect, Illinois, 60056
Where: Forest View Educational Center, Room 100, 2121 S. Goebbert Road, Arlington Heights, Illinois
When: The meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 17, 2011 at 7:30 p.m.
Caron will share what she has learned through researching her own elusive Norwegian great-grandparents and discovering her cousins in Scandinavia. She will discuss research locations and guides, lessons learned, and other helpful hints.
Caron Primas Brennan loves history, puzzles and a good mystery, which makes her perfectly suited to genealogy research! She has been researching her family history since a 6th grade school project piqued her curiosity. Caron primarily uses The Master Genealogist as well as Family Tree Maker software and to share her passion with others in her family. She is currently the Webmaster and Newsletter Publisher for Computer Assisted Genealogy Group of Northern Illinois.
Northwest Suburban Council of Genealogists
P.O. Box 148 ● Mount Prospect, Illinois, 60056
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
New Adoption Law
There is a new adoption law which may affect genealogical research.
It allows Illinois-born adopted adults to request copies of their original birth certificate listing their birth parents by filing a form with the Illinois Adoption Registry and Medical Information Exchange (IARMIE).
Birth parents of adopted persons born after January 1, 1946 may request that their names be removed from copies of the original birth certificate during their lifetime. All birth parents may share background information or indicate a desire for contact through the IARMIE.
It allows Illinois-born adopted adults to request copies of their original birth certificate listing their birth parents by filing a form with the Illinois Adoption Registry and Medical Information Exchange (IARMIE).
Birth parents of adopted persons born after January 1, 1946 may request that their names be removed from copies of the original birth certificate during their lifetime. All birth parents may share background information or indicate a desire for contact through the IARMIE.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
National Genealogical Society Annual Conference 2011
NGS Family History Conference pre-registration deadline is today, April 26, 2011.
There are over 186 lecture sessions ranging in topic from technology skills; to military records; to ethnic research; to methodology and skillbuilding!
There will be nearly 90 different exhibitors in this year's exhibit hall, providing just about anything you want or need to help you with your genealogical research.
The conference will take place in Charleston, South Carolina
Pre-registration for the NGS 2011 Family History Conference ends today, 26 April 2011....but you can register on-site at the North Charleston Convention Center beginning 10 May 2011.
The Conference will be located at the North Charleston Area Convention Center, 5001 Coliseum Dr., North Charleston, South Carolina.
At check-in, you will receive a conference bag, program and syllabus on CD...but you can pre-order a printed syllabus before early bird deadline.
The Banquet Speaker will be Patrick McCawley, Archival Processing Supervisor at the South Carolina Department of Archives and History. He will talk about The Destruction of Records in South Carolina during the Civil War. His talk will provide an overview of recordkeeping in South Carolina on the eve of the war, a review of military operations during the war, and the effect those operations had on the survival of local and state records. In particular he will discuss the march of General Sherman’s army through the state, and the courthouses and records destroyed as a result.
There are over 186 lecture sessions ranging in topic from technology skills; to military records; to ethnic research; to methodology and skillbuilding!
There will be nearly 90 different exhibitors in this year's exhibit hall, providing just about anything you want or need to help you with your genealogical research.
The conference will take place in Charleston, South Carolina
Pre-registration for the NGS 2011 Family History Conference ends today, 26 April 2011....but you can register on-site at the North Charleston Convention Center beginning 10 May 2011.
The Conference will be located at the North Charleston Area Convention Center, 5001 Coliseum Dr., North Charleston, South Carolina.
At check-in, you will receive a conference bag, program and syllabus on CD...but you can pre-order a printed syllabus before early bird deadline.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Getting Started in Jewish Genealogy
New book at the Glenview Public Library...Getting Started in Jewish Genealogy, 2011 Edition, by Gary Mokotoff. -- Avotaynu, c2011.
Call # 929.1089924 MOK
This book introduces the most helpful resources for researching Jewishgenealogy. It tells you how to interview family members, and ask for photos and documents. It also discusses the best websites as well as non-internet resources, such as societies and publishers. There is a special section on Holocaust research.
Call # 929.1089924 MOK
This book introduces the most helpful resources for researching Jewishgenealogy. It tells you how to interview family members, and ask for photos and documents. It also discusses the best websites as well as non-internet resources, such as societies and publishers. There is a special section on Holocaust research.
"The Ultimate Search Book."
New at the Glenview Public Library...The Ultimate Search Book, 2011 Edition: Worldwide Adoption, Genealogy, & Other Search Secrets, by Lori Carangelo.
Call number: 929.1 CAR
This book introduces resources, strategy, and process of searching for missing children and adults, including heirs, war buddies, classmates, etc., with or without a name or family members, separated due to adoption or divorce. It covers a range of information, from basic resources to those that are lesser known.
Call number: 929.1 CAR
This book introduces resources, strategy, and process of searching for missing children and adults, including heirs, war buddies, classmates, etc., with or without a name or family members, separated due to adoption or divorce. It covers a range of information, from basic resources to those that are lesser known.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
German Genealogy Fest
German Genealogy Fest at the Arlington Heights Memorial Library
Date: 5/14/2011
Morning Session: Registration is required.
Start Time: 9:30 AM
End Time: 12:00 PM
Need help finding your German ancestor? Teresa Steinkamp McMillin, a certified genealogist, will show you how to locate your ancestor's town of origin, how to locate German records, and how to decipher old German handwriting. Register for the morning only.
Afternoon session: Drop In.
Start Time: 1:00 PM
End Time: 4:00 PM
Description: In the afternoon, translators and genealogy volunteers will help you with your documents and answer research questions. Drop in for afternoon.
Arlington Heights Memorial Library, Hendrickson Room, 500 N. Dunton Ave., Arlington Heights, IL 60004
Contact: Michael Mulholland, Local History/Genealogy Librarian, 847.870.3643,
Date: 5/14/2011
Morning Session: Registration is required.
Start Time: 9:30 AM
End Time: 12:00 PM
Need help finding your German ancestor? Teresa Steinkamp McMillin, a certified genealogist, will show you how to locate your ancestor's town of origin, how to locate German records, and how to decipher old German handwriting. Register for the morning only.
Afternoon session: Drop In.
Start Time: 1:00 PM
End Time: 4:00 PM
Description: In the afternoon, translators and genealogy volunteers will help you with your documents and answer research questions. Drop in for afternoon.
Arlington Heights Memorial Library, Hendrickson Room, 500 N. Dunton Ave., Arlington Heights, IL 60004
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Researching Civil War Ancestors
Almost 3.5 million soldiers are believed to have been involved in the American Civil War, with around 360,000 Union soldiers and 260,000 Confederate soldiers losing their lives as a direct result. Given the dramatic impact of this conflict, if your ancestors lived in the United States during this time, it is likely that you'll find at least one Civil War soldier in your family tree. Genealogy has suggestions to help you start researching your Civil War Ancestors. Genealogy has suggestions to help you start researching your Civil War Ancestors.
Upcoming Genealogy Workshops at NARA
Telling Your Family Story -- Saturday, May 14, 2011: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM As you conduct research and locate documents, have you wondered how to share this information with family members? Staff from the Chicago-based organization History Works, Inc. will discuss ideas for telling your family's tale. From the use of free print-on-demand software to the creation of an engaging, focused storyline, History Works' hints and "tricks of the trade" are sure to inspire and impress your relatives. The cost for this workshop is $10.00 per person, payable at the door.
Using Court Records to Find Local and Family History -- Saturday, June 11, 2011: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Have you considered checking court records in your family history hunt? In this workshop, archivists from the National Archives at Chicago will give an overview of how court records can be used to uncover a wealth of information about people’s lives as well as the social, legal, and economic issues that brought them to court. The cost for this workshop is $10.00 per person, payable at the door.
All workshops will be held at the Great Lakes Regional Archive near Ford City Mall and Midway Airport, 7358 S. Pulaski Road, Chicago.
To register, send your name, e-mail address, phone number, and mailing address to Kris Maldre, Education
Specialist, at Upon receipt workshop registration will be confirmed via e-mail. If
you have further questions, please call: 773-948-9001.
Using Court Records to Find Local and Family History -- Saturday, June 11, 2011: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Have you considered checking court records in your family history hunt? In this workshop, archivists from the National Archives at Chicago will give an overview of how court records can be used to uncover a wealth of information about people’s lives as well as the social, legal, and economic issues that brought them to court. The cost for this workshop is $10.00 per person, payable at the door.
All workshops will be held at the Great Lakes Regional Archive near Ford City Mall and Midway Airport, 7358 S. Pulaski Road, Chicago.
To register, send your name, e-mail address, phone number, and mailing address to Kris Maldre, Education
Specialist, at Upon receipt workshop registration will be confirmed via e-mail. If
you have further questions, please call: 773-948-9001.
Fort Sumter, April 12, 1861
One hundred fifty years ago today, the battle at Fort Sumter in South Carolina started the War Between the States. is commemmorating this event with Free Access Week. You can search Civil War era records free through April 14. (You will need to register an email account with them, but there is no charge for this.)
The New Databases are as follows:
U.S. Colored Troops Military Service Records, 1861-1865 - UPDATED
New York, Civil War Muster Roll Abstracts, 1861-1900
New York, Town Clerks' Registers of Men Who Served in the Civil War, ca 1861-1865
Kansas, Civil War Enlistment Papers, 1862, 1863, 1868
Arkansas, Confederate Pension Records, 1891-1935
U.S. Confederate Pensions, 1884-1958 (Virginia and Texas)
Alabama, Census of Confederate Soldiers, 1907, 1921 is commemmorating this event with Free Access Week. You can search Civil War era records free through April 14. (You will need to register an email account with them, but there is no charge for this.)
The New Databases are as follows:
New Union Records
U.S. Civil War Draft Registrations Records, 1863-1865
U.S. Union Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865 U.S. Colored Troops Military Service Records, 1861-1865 - UPDATED
New York, Civil War Muster Roll Abstracts, 1861-1900
New York, Town Clerks' Registers of Men Who Served in the Civil War, ca 1861-1865
Kansas, Civil War Enlistment Papers, 1862, 1863, 1868
New Confederate Records
Alabama, Confederate Pension and Service Records, 1862-1947 Arkansas, Confederate Pension Records, 1891-1935
U.S. Confederate Pensions, 1884-1958 (Virginia and Texas)
Alabama, Census of Confederate Soldiers, 1907, 1921
Monday, April 11, 2011
Genealogy Software Programs: Panel Discussion
Having trouble organizing your family history??
Not getting printouts you like?
Come to the North Suburban Genealogical Society Software Programs Panel
Saturday May 14 1 pm
NSGS members Barbara Bennett, Bob Bremer, Barbara Garrison, Fran Kinney and Jane Lahey will discuss the pros and cons of four popular programs:
Family Tree Maker
Reunion (for the Mac)
Personal Ancestral File (PAF) and later versions
Brother’s Keeper
Why not enjoy your software?
Meetings are at the Northbrook History Museum
1776 Walters Drive
Northbrook IL 60062
Contact: Nina Johnson 847-256-3602 or
North Suburban Genealogical Society
% Winnetka Public Library, 768 Oak Street, Winnetka, IL 60093
1-847-446-7220; Ext. Genealogy
Not getting printouts you like?
Come to the North Suburban Genealogical Society Software Programs Panel
Saturday May 14 1 pm
NSGS members Barbara Bennett, Bob Bremer, Barbara Garrison, Fran Kinney and Jane Lahey will discuss the pros and cons of four popular programs:
Family Tree Maker
Reunion (for the Mac)
Personal Ancestral File (PAF) and later versions
Brother’s Keeper
Why not enjoy your software?
Meetings are at the Northbrook History Museum
1776 Walters Drive
Northbrook IL 60062
Contact: Nina Johnson 847-256-3602 or
North Suburban Genealogical Society
% Winnetka Public Library, 768 Oak Street, Winnetka, IL 60093
1-847-446-7220; Ext. Genealogy
Friday, April 8, 2011
Creative Filenames For Easy Organizing
For 33+ years, the Polish Genealogical Society of America has been an important resource for individuals, novice thru seasoned, looking for their Polish roots. They can help you deal with the myths and challenges of ethnic research.
Sunday, May 15, 2011 – 2 P.M.
Social Hall of the Polish Museum (PRCUA)
984 N. Milwaukee Ave. • Chicago
How Creative Filenames & Excel Pay Big Organizational & Research Dividends
Straightforward solutions to logically organize electronic data for easy identification and location… building a highly flexible, multi-level data base for documenting, organizing, and correlating large amounts of data.
Sunday, May 15, 2011 – 2 P.M.
Social Hall of the Polish Museum (PRCUA)
984 N. Milwaukee Ave. • Chicago
How Creative Filenames & Excel Pay Big Organizational & Research Dividends
Straightforward solutions to logically organize electronic data for easy identification and location… building a highly flexible, multi-level data base for documenting, organizing, and correlating large amounts of data.
Wedding Fashion Show
In case you missed the Wedding Tea and Fashion show sponsored by the Glenview History Center on March 26, a portfolio of pictures was taken that day by Victor Martinez.
Click HERE to see it.
Click HERE to see it.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Dating Old Photographs
Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois meeting at Temple Beth Israel. 3601 W. Dempster St. in Skokie.
Sunday, April 10
12:30: The temple will open for those interested in using library materials, have genealogical questions or need help with website searches.
2:00 Program - "Dating Old Photographs" presented by member Ava "Sherlock" Cohn.
Sunday, April 10
12:30: The temple will open for those interested in using library materials, have genealogical questions or need help with website searches.
2:00 Program - "Dating Old Photographs" presented by member Ava "Sherlock" Cohn.
Monday, April 4, 2011
CAGGNI (Computer Assisted Genealogy Group of Northern Illinois) is a group of amateur genealogists who are committed to using technology and the internet more effectively in support of their family history research activities.
CAGGNI meets at 10:30am on the third Saturday of every month except December at the Schaumburg Township District Library. Monthly meeting topics cover a broad range of subjects of interest in supporting genealogical activities including software, tools, techniques and methodologies. Additionally, monthly newsletters, support for both computer and genealogy issues and Internet surname exposure are among the benefits of membership. For questions about the group, contact or
For questions about the group, contact or
CAGGNI meets at 10:30am on the third Saturday of every month except December at the Schaumburg Township District Library. Monthly meeting topics cover a broad range of subjects of interest in supporting genealogical activities including software, tools, techniques and methodologies. Additionally, monthly newsletters, support for both computer and genealogy issues and Internet surname exposure are among the benefits of membership. For questions about the group, contact or
For questions about the group, contact or
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Oral History Presentation by Grace Dumelle
Going Straight to the Source: Pointers on Oral History
Saturday , April 9, 2011
1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Northbrook History Museum, 1776 Walters Ave, Northbrook Il 60062
Join The North Suburban Genealogical Society for their monthly meeting. Grace will speak about family history…. “ferreting out facts that have not seen the light of day.”
Grace “relishes the stories told by senior citizens, creating tape-recorded oral histories that document irreplaceable knowledge.”
She runs a business called Heartland Historical Research Service and has written a book called Finding Your Chicago Ancestors: A Beginner’s Guide to Family History in the City and Cook County. (Owned by the Glenview Public Library, and available at call number 929.37731 DUM and R929.37731 DUM GENEALOGY)
The meeting is open to anyone interested in genealogical research. Admission is free.
Contact: Nina Johnson 847-256-3602 or
Friday, March 25, 2011
Genealogy First Tuesday
Tuesday, April 5, 2 pm to 4:30 pm in the Genealogy Room.
This interest group is open to anyone interested in genealogy. It allows for exploring and discussing various strategies and resources in an informal way.
To suggest a topic, contact Deena at or (847) 901-5948.
Registration is recommended but not required. To register, call the Reference Desk at (847) 729-7500 x2700.
This interest group is open to anyone interested in genealogy. It allows for exploring and discussing various strategies and resources in an informal way.
To suggest a topic, contact Deena at or (847) 901-5948.
Registration is recommended but not required. To register, call the Reference Desk at (847) 729-7500 x2700.
The Big Two: Class
This class hands-on computer workshop introduces Ancestry Library Edition and Heritage Quest Online for finding your ancestors in the U.S. census, draft registration cards, books, magazines, and other records.
Class takes place in the Technology Lab (2nd floor) On Thursday, March 31, 2 pm to 3:30 pm.
To register, have your library card number ready. Call the Reference Desk at (847) 729-7500 x2700.
Class takes place in the Technology Lab (2nd floor) On Thursday, March 31, 2 pm to 3:30 pm.
To register, have your library card number ready. Call the Reference Desk at (847) 729-7500 x2700.
Hunting Henry: A Case Study Using Collaterals

Teresa Steinkamp McMillin will present "Hunting Henry: A Case Study Using Collaterals" at the next meeting of the Northwest Suburban Council of Genealogists.
Are you researching an ancestor who seems to have been hatched? Who landed in the middle of the United States with no obvious way of getting here? Expanding your research beyond the person, to associates and neighbors, can lead to the resolution of your problem.
Are you researching an ancestor who seems to have been hatched? Who landed in the middle of the United States with no obvious way of getting here? Expanding your research beyond the person, to associates and neighbors, can lead to the resolution of your problem.
Teresa is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, the National Genealogical Society, as well as many local genealogical societies. She has been interested in genealogy since she was a child and has been actively researching her German ancestry and her husband’s "Chicago Irish" for the past decade.
Join us at 7:00p.m., prior to the presentation, for casual discussion or to exchange information with others who enjoy genealogy.
The meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 19, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. at Forest View Educational Center Room 100 2121 S. Goebbert Road Arlington Heights, Illinois.
For more information, contact us at
The meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 19, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. at Forest View Educational Center Room 100 2121 S. Goebbert Road Arlington Heights, Illinois.
For more information, contact us at
Northwest Suburban Council of Genealogists
P.O. Box 148 ● Mount Prospect, Illinois, 60056
P.O. Box 148 ● Mount Prospect, Illinois, 60056
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Ancestry Irish Collection

Ancestry has expanded its Irish Collection, in honor of St. Paddy's Day.
They have updated their Griffiths Valuation,1848-1864 database (over 2.5 million records of ancestors who rented land or property throughout Ireland in the 1850s) and their Tithe Applotment Books,1823-1837 database (includes tithe payer, acreage of their land and amount of their tithe).
Clicking on each title allows you to read detailed source information for each title. Log in with your Glenview Library card number.
They have added two new databases.
Lawrence Collection of Photographs,1870-1910 contains 20,000 images showcasing Ireland through the eyes of William Lawrence's photography studio in Dublin.
And Ordnance Survey Maps,1824-1846 contains almost 2,000 detailed maps of almost the whole of Ireland that were produced before and during the Great Famine.
You can browse these two collections by county.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Irish American Heritage Center

If you are Irish, your special day is coming up this week!
Have you visited the Irish American Heritage Center (IAHC) in Chicago? It is easy to get to, right off the Wilson Ave. exit of the Edens expressway (Rte.94)
Many educational activities take are offered at this lively and interesting place, including genealogy.
Genealogy sessions with genealogist Brian Donovan take place the last Sunday of each month from 1:00 to 3:00 in the IAHC library.
For more information call the Center office at 773-282-7035, ext. 10.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Finding Professional Genealogists

Geneapro is a directory of genealogical resources and providers
It brings together experienced genealogy researchers with people looking for accurate historical ancestral records and information.
Membership is free both for experts and for those seeking lookups.
Genealogists as well as societies can join Geneapro and make their services available to the general public. There is no charge to join, either for those providing or seeking information., although professionals do generally charge a research fee, which is displayed on a price-tag icon. The listings are attractive, and easy to read.
Records can also be found by posting a “Lookup” on Geneapro.
Professional genealogist listings, lookup service providers, and links to digitized archives and published databases are included.
It brings together experienced genealogy researchers with people looking for accurate historical ancestral records and information.
Membership is free both for experts and for those seeking lookups.
Genealogists as well as societies can join Geneapro and make their services available to the general public. There is no charge to join, either for those providing or seeking information., although professionals do generally charge a research fee, which is displayed on a price-tag icon. The listings are attractive, and easy to read.
Records can also be found by posting a “Lookup” on Geneapro.
Professional genealogist listings, lookup service providers, and links to digitized archives and published databases are included.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Bridal Fashion Show and Luncheon, March 26
Benefit for the Glenview History Center:
"Here Comes the Bride" Tea and Luncheon
11 a.m. Saturday, March 26 at the Glenview New Church, 74 Park Dr., Glenview IL.
The Bridal Fashion Show will cover the years 1905-1985, and is presented by Decades of Dresses.
Lunch is included.
Raffle and Ladies' Boutique are also featured.
Reservation deadline is March 19, 2011. No tickets will be sold at the door!
$20.00 members, $23.00 non-members. Make checks payable to "GHC." Send check and reservations to: GHC, 1121 Waukegan Rd., Glenview IL 60025.
For further information, contact Mary Long, (847) 724-4115 or
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Military Service Records

Kathryn Barrett will give a presentation on "Military Service Records" at the next meeting of the Northwest Suburban Council of Genealogists.
The meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. at Forest View Educational Center Room 100 2121 S. Goebbert Road Arlington Heights, Illinois
Kathryn Barrett is a genealogy researcher, teacher and lecturer at the local, regional and national level. Kathryn has been a volunteer at the National Archives & Records Administration (NARA) at the Great Lakes Regional Center for more than 15 years. She recently organized a local homeowner association genealogical group and makes monthly presentations on a wide variety of genealogical topics, including Naturalization, Evolution of the Federal Census and The Orphan Train. Kathryn is a professional member of the National Genealogical Society (NGS), the Federation of Genealogical Society (FGS), and the Wisconsin State Historical Society with 35+ years of genealogy experience
Northwest Suburban Council of GenealogistsP.O. Box 148 ● Mount Prospect, Illinois, 60056
The meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. at Forest View Educational Center Room 100 2121 S. Goebbert Road Arlington Heights, Illinois
Kathryn Barrett is a genealogy researcher, teacher and lecturer at the local, regional and national level. Kathryn has been a volunteer at the National Archives & Records Administration (NARA) at the Great Lakes Regional Center for more than 15 years. She recently organized a local homeowner association genealogical group and makes monthly presentations on a wide variety of genealogical topics, including Naturalization, Evolution of the Federal Census and The Orphan Train. Kathryn is a professional member of the National Genealogical Society (NGS), the Federation of Genealogical Society (FGS), and the Wisconsin State Historical Society with 35+ years of genealogy experience
Northwest Suburban Council of GenealogistsP.O. Box 148 ● Mount Prospect, Illinois, 60056
Friday, February 25, 2011
Genealogy First Tuesday: March 1
Tuesday, March 1, 6 to 8:30 pm, in the Genealogy Room
"Genealogy First Tuesday" is an unstructured session for people interested in genealogy.
Bring your laptop and your questions, and we will all work on helping each other break down our genealogical brick walls.
Please RSVP (847) 901-5948 or
"Genealogy First Tuesday" is an unstructured session for people interested in genealogy.
Bring your laptop and your questions, and we will all work on helping each other break down our genealogical brick walls.
Please RSVP (847) 901-5948 or
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