Monday, August 27, 2018

One Community, Many Stories – Glenview Reads Together

The Glenview Public Library invites you to join us in our new community-wide reading program. We will be reading The Book of Unknown Americans by Cristina Henríquez. The book tells the story of two families and their American immigrant experience. We will hosting book discussions, programs, and events centered on family stories and immigration. Below is a selection of programs that may appeal to family historians.

Maura’s Eyes: An Irish Girl’s Experience of Ellis Island 
Sunday, September 16, 2-3 PM • Community Room
Award-winning storyteller and theater artist, Megan Wells, portrays a young Irish girl’s Ellis Island experience as she weaves together tales from books, journals, and family stories.

Early Mexican Settlements in Railroad Boxcar Communities 
Thursday, September 20, 7-8 PM • Community Room
In the first half of the 20th century, railroads employed and housed large numbers of Mexican immigrants. Dr. Antonio Delgado discusses this vibrant community and the contributions they made to the growth of the Midwest.

Find Your Family Immigration Records 
Wednesday, September 26, 2-3:30 PM • Technology Lab
Bring your research and learn how to find your immigrant ancestors in passenger lists and naturalization records. Glenview Library Card required.

Beginning Genealogy
Tuesday, October 9, 2-3:30 PM • Technology Lab
Learn the basics of genealogy research in this hands-on workshop. Glenview Library Card required. 

Chicagoland’s Immigration Story with Max Grinnell 
Wednesday, October 10, 7-8:30 PM • Community Room
Join author and University of Chicago urban studies professor Max Grinnell as he presents a historical context for understanding the importance of immigrant communities and their unique contributions to the Chicagoland area.

Family History Writing Workshop 
Monday, October 15, 7-8:30 PM • Multipurpose Room
Get inspired to write your family’s history! Volunteers from the North Suburban Genealogical Society will share their writings and offer tips for recording the story of you and your family.

See the full list of events and to register for programs here or call 847-729-7500.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Rediscover Your World War I Soldier's Experience

Tina Beaird will help us uncover our WWI ancestors this Saturday, August 11 at 1 PM.

Many federal WWI personnel records were destroyed in a National Archives fire in the 1970s. Tina offers ways to locate copies of peripheral federal military records and provides solutions for recreating some of the lost history in these “fire” records by also using local government documents, newspapers and base records.

Presented in partnership with the North Suburban Genealogical Society.

Register online or call the Reference Desk at 847-729-7500.