Servitude and Emancipation Records Database, 1722–1863 is an index Compiled by the Illinois State Archives (ISA)The database of includes approximately 3,400 names found in governmental records involving the servitude and emancipation of Africans and, occasionally, Indians in the French and English eras of colonial Illinois (1722–1790), and African-Americans in the American period of Illinois (1790–1863).
The ISA extracted the names of servants, slaves, or free persons and masters, witnesses, or related parties from selected governmental records to produce this database. After searching the database, researchers can see an abstract of the record by clicking the record number of the appropriate entry.
This database may be useful to people researching African American Ancestry.
The ISA extracted the names of servants, slaves, or free persons and masters, witnesses, or related parties from selected governmental records to produce this database. After searching the database, researchers can see an abstract of the record by clicking the record number of the appropriate entry.
This database may be useful to people researching African American Ancestry.
The Illinois State Archives also makes available online other valuable record indexes.
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