Helen Sclair, known as The Cemetery Lady, was a local genealogy celebrity who had lived at Bohemian National Cemetery since 2001. Her cremated remains will rest under a granite stone bearing the inscription, The Cemetery Lady, An Advocate for the Dead.
Mrs. Sclair, 78, died of cardiac arrest on Wednesday, Dec. 16, in the Harmony Healthcare and Rehab Center in Chicago, where she had been recovering from surgery.
She did a presentation at the Glenview Public Library about local cemeteries on October 28, 2008.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tax Lists
The Library owns two wonderful books that can help you advance your genealogical research by using tax lists.
The Sleuth Book For Genealogists : strategies for more successful family history research, by Emily Anne Croom, 929.1072 CRO. There is also a Reference copy at R929.1072 CRO GENEALOGY.
It is brimming with wonderful checklists, case studies, and novel approaches for using any number of genealogical source records.
The following brief excerpt from a review of this wonderful book is about tax records:
"Strategies for Using Tax Records, by Emily Anne Croom
...A number of states and towns have preserved tax records that date to their early years; others have not been so diligent. Nevertheless, the genealogist needs to use them whenever they exist... The surviving records are usually found in county courthouses or in state archives. Many have been microfilmed and are available from the Family History Library...Tax records are kin to land records because residents paid taxes on land they owned, as well as on slaves, horses, cattle, oxen, personal property, and luxury items... In some cases, specific items were taxed in a given year, such as certain items of furniture, mirrors, and window curtains in Virginia in 1815..."
The other book is The Beginner's Guide to Using Tax Lists, by Cornelius Carroll. 929.1 CAR
"This is a primer for making the best genealogical use of tax lists... [The author] differentiates between tax lists, quit rents, tithables, militia lists, censuses, and similar records and the laws that applied to them. Then, by focusing on the tax lists of Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, and Tennessee, he demonstrates how tax lists can be used for determining parentage, birth and death dates, indentured servitude, slavery, manumission, and racial status. In conjunction with other records, tax lists can be used to help determine the parentage of a female, the date of a marriage, migration routes, and the accuracy of family traditions..."
The Sleuth Book For Genealogists : strategies for more successful family history research, by Emily Anne Croom, 929.1072 CRO. There is also a Reference copy at R929.1072 CRO GENEALOGY.
It is brimming with wonderful checklists, case studies, and novel approaches for using any number of genealogical source records.
The following brief excerpt from a review of this wonderful book is about tax records:
"Strategies for Using Tax Records, by Emily Anne Croom
...A number of states and towns have preserved tax records that date to their early years; others have not been so diligent. Nevertheless, the genealogist needs to use them whenever they exist... The surviving records are usually found in county courthouses or in state archives. Many have been microfilmed and are available from the Family History Library...Tax records are kin to land records because residents paid taxes on land they owned, as well as on slaves, horses, cattle, oxen, personal property, and luxury items... In some cases, specific items were taxed in a given year, such as certain items of furniture, mirrors, and window curtains in Virginia in 1815..."
The other book is The Beginner's Guide to Using Tax Lists, by Cornelius Carroll. 929.1 CAR
"This is a primer for making the best genealogical use of tax lists... [The author] differentiates between tax lists, quit rents, tithables, militia lists, censuses, and similar records and the laws that applied to them. Then, by focusing on the tax lists of Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, and Tennessee, he demonstrates how tax lists can be used for determining parentage, birth and death dates, indentured servitude, slavery, manumission, and racial status. In conjunction with other records, tax lists can be used to help determine the parentage of a female, the date of a marriage, migration routes, and the accuracy of family traditions..."
Friday, December 18, 2009
Countdown to April 2, 2012
The National Archives website contains information about the release of the 1940 Census on April 2, 2012.
Information includes a countdown clock that counts the days, hours, minutes, and seconds; general information; how to start your 1940 census research; indexes and other finding aids; videos; articles; and links to online data.
Information includes a countdown clock that counts the days, hours, minutes, and seconds; general information; how to start your 1940 census research; indexes and other finding aids; videos; articles; and links to online data.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
NSGS Meeting: January 9, 2010

The North Suburban Genealogical Society invites you to its January meeting.
A genealogical question and answer period will be followed by readings of your favorite letters of sentimental value. You are invited to bring letters that are your favorites and listen to others read theirs.
When: January 9, 2010;
1 p.m.: Problem Solving,
2 p.m.: Program on Love Letters
Where: Glenview Library 1930 Glenview Rd., Glenview 60025
When: January 9, 2010;
1 p.m.: Problem Solving,
2 p.m.: Program on Love Letters
Where: Glenview Library 1930 Glenview Rd., Glenview 60025
Contact: Jim Boyle 847 401 2579
Open to anyone interested in genealogical research. Free Admission
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Giving Is Better
At this special time of remembering others in a spirit of generosity, give something back to the genealogical community.
There are numerous free online genealogical web sites that have helped all of us advance our family history research.
Here are some ideas for how to give others a boost up their family tree:
--become a volunteer for the FamilySearch indexing project
--adopt a state or county, do lookups, or help with other projects at U.S. Genweb and World Genweb
--do a Random Act of Genealogical Kindness for others
Where would these wonderful free websites be without the generosity of genealogical volunteers? This holiday season, pay it forward: give something back to them.
For more ideas, visit About Genealogy.
There are numerous free online genealogical web sites that have helped all of us advance our family history research.
Here are some ideas for how to give others a boost up their family tree:
--become a volunteer for the FamilySearch indexing project
--adopt a state or county, do lookups, or help with other projects at U.S. Genweb and World Genweb
--do a Random Act of Genealogical Kindness for others
Where would these wonderful free websites be without the generosity of genealogical volunteers? This holiday season, pay it forward: give something back to them.
For more ideas, visit About Genealogy.
JGSI January Meeting

Sunday January 31, 2009 Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois will present Genealogical Resources at the National Archives and Records Administration - Great Lakes Region, Chicago lead by Barry Finkel at 2:00 p.m. at Temple Beth Israel, 3601 W. Dempster, Skokie, IL.
Learn which records are available at this NARA facility that can help you in your genealogical research.
The JGSI meeting facilities will open at 12:30 p.m. to accommodate members/guests who want to use our library materials, get help with genealogy Web sites on the Internet or ask genealogical related questions before the main program begins. For additional information please phone (312) 666-0100.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Do You Know Illinois?

In the 1930's Edward Hughes was Secretary of State and State Librarian of Illinois, and he composed a column which ran in many newspapers entitled "Do You Know Illinois?"
The columns were short Q & A pieces dealing with Illinois facts and history, and contain nearly 5,000 factual trivia and obscure facts about Illinois. They are now digitized and part of the Illinois Digital Archives.
Click each page in the left column to view more than 500 pages of this column. At the very end is an index.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
National Archives Chicago: Updates

Visit the National Archives at Chicago's Facebook Page.
For event updates, highlights from their holdings, and rapid news stories, become a fan on Facebook. They are listed under National Archives at Chicago. Ensure you never miss out.
Highlights so far include shopping in 1945, winter fun in U.S. Forest Service photographs, and a few draft cards of people you may recognize:
In addition to the National Archives at Chicago's regular hours of 8:00 AM to 4:15 PM, Monday through Friday, the Regional Archives in Chicago is also open to the public the second Saturday of every month from 8:00 AM to 4:15 PM. Upcoming Seconnd Saturday research hours are December 12 and January 9.Researchers interested in using original historical records or microfilm held by the Regional Archives are encouraged to contact a reference archivist ahead of time by phone (773-948-9001) or email chicago.archives@nara.gov.
The National Archives at Chicago Will Be Closed Friday, December 25, and Friday, January 1.
State Census Records

The Glenview Public Library owns the following book, published by Clearfield:
State census records by Ann S. Lainhart
929.373 LAI
Ann Lainhart's inventory of state census records is the first comprehensive list of state census records ever published. State by state, year by year, often county by county and district by district, she shows the researcher what is available in state census records, when it is available, and what one might expect to find in the way of data.
American population before the Federal census of 1790

Below is a review of a wonderful book about the U.S. Census, published by Clearfield, which is owned by the Glenview Public Library.
American population before the Federal census of 1790 by Evarts Boutell Greene.
Few books published over 70 years ago are just as useful to the genealogist today as they were in 1932. Evarts B. Greene and Virginia D. Harrington's publication is one such book. The recipients of a social science research grant, Columbia University scholars Greene and Harrington set about to compile a list of every 17th- and 18th-century list (or statistical reference thereto) concerning the American population before the U.S. census of 1790. Consulting both primary and secondary sources, the end result of their labors was a comprehensive survey, arranged by colony, state, or territory--and chronologically thereunder--of population lists for all units of American government in existence as of 1790.
The lists themselves range from poll lists, tax lists, taxables, militia lists, and censuses; the book's geographical coverage extends to Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, the Illinois Territory, and the Northern and Southern Departments of the Western Indians.
Map guide to the U.S. federal censuses, 1790-1920

Soon it will be census time again.
Here is a Clearfield review of a great book about the U.S. Census that is owned by the Glenview Public Library. You can see it at R911.73 THO GENEALOGY
Map Guide to the U.S. Federal Censuses, 1790-1920 by William Thorndale and William dollarhide.
Genealogical research in U.S. censuses begins with identifying correct county jurisdictions to assist in this identification, the map Guide shows all U.S. county boundaries from 1790 to 1920. On each of the nearly 400 maps the old county lines are superimposed over the modern ones to highlight the boundary changes at ten-year intervals. Accompanying each map are explanations of boundary changes, notes about the census, tocality finding keys. In addition, there are inset maps which clarify territorial lines, a state-by-state bibliography of sources, an appendix outlining pitfalls in mapping county boundaries. Finally, there is an index which lists all present day counties, plus nearly all defunct counties or counties later renamed-the most complete list of American counties ever published.
Here is a fuller review at the publisher's web site.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
British Genealogy Book

Dick Eastman's Genealogy Blog contains a book review about Ancestral Trails, a book owned by the Glenview Public Library and available for checkout at call number 929.1 HER and in the Reference Room at R929.1 HER GENEALOGY.
Here is an excerpt from dick's review:
"Ancestral Trails is an 896-page, 6-inch-by-9-inch paperback...jam-packed with genealogical research guidance. It also has many black-and-white images to illustrate the information presented within the text.
...The book gives background information about past generations by describing virtually every class of record in every repository and library in Britain. In order to find the correct repositories, you often have to first understand why a particular record would be found there. Herber does this well, describing historical settings and the purpose of each repository...
"Ancestral Trails provides detailed explanations of census records, parish registers, marriage records, wills and much...the new appendix on 'Web sites for family historians.' Herber lists the names and URLs (addresses) of several hundred web sites that can be useful for British genealogy research although he does not describe any of them in detail."
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
National Day of Listening

The Illinois State Library encourages you to take part in StoryCorps' National Day of Listening on Friday November 27.
On the day after Thanksgiving, set aside one hour to record a conversation with someone important to you.
Download a free Do-it-Yourself Instruction Guide with step-by-stepinterview instructions, equipment recommendations and great questions.
If you interview Illinois veterans, you can also submit their stories to Secretary of State Jesse White's Illinois Veterans History Project.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
DAR Genealogical Research Database

After nearly a decade of scanning, indexing, and other behind-the-scenes work by DAR members and employees, the DAR Genealogical Research System (GRS) is now available on their public website.
Click here to search online.
The GRS is a growing collection of databases that provide access to many materials collected by the DAR over the past 119 years. On the GRS page, several tabs enable searching in the following databases:
--Ancestor (established DAR Revolutionary War Ancestors and basic information about them with listings of the applications submitted by descendants who joined the DAR [updated daily])
--Member (limited access to information on deceased/former DAR members – not current members.)
--Descendants (index of generations in applications between the DAR member and the Revolutionary War ancestor. There is much eighteenth and nineteenth-century information here. [ongoing indexing project])
--GRC (everyname index to 20,000 typescript volumes (some still being indexed) of genealogical records such as cemeteries, Bibles, etc. This index is not limited to the period of the American Revolution at all.)
--Resources (In particular, the digitized DAR Library Revolutionary Pension Extract Card Index and the Analytical Index Cards. Other information sources will be coming in the near future, mostly relating to Revolutionary War service, bibliographies, *Forgotten Patriots* (updates), etc. Read the introductions to these to learn why these are both important genealogical indexes. For example, the Rev. War pension index includes the names of people *mentioned in* those pensions that were abstracted (not just the pensioner or widow)!!!!)
--Library Catalog (Their book, periodical, and manuscript holdings)
Each of these databases has interrelated content, and a description of each is given more fully on the website. You will notice restricted information in many search results. This is the result of a concerted effort to protect the
identity of DAR members while providing historical genealogical information to researchers.
The national numbers of members (without the names of living members) given in the search results are needed to order copies of applications and supplemental applications. They do not lead online researchers to any other information about the member.
The GRS is a growing collection of databases that provide access to many materials collected by the DAR over the past 119 years. On the GRS page, several tabs enable searching in the following databases:
--Ancestor (established DAR Revolutionary War Ancestors and basic information about them with listings of the applications submitted by descendants who joined the DAR [updated daily])
--Member (limited access to information on deceased/former DAR members – not current members.)
--Descendants (index of generations in applications between the DAR member and the Revolutionary War ancestor. There is much eighteenth and nineteenth-century information here. [ongoing indexing project])
--GRC (everyname index to 20,000 typescript volumes (some still being indexed) of genealogical records such as cemeteries, Bibles, etc. This index is not limited to the period of the American Revolution at all.)
--Resources (In particular, the digitized DAR Library Revolutionary Pension Extract Card Index and the Analytical Index Cards. Other information sources will be coming in the near future, mostly relating to Revolutionary War service, bibliographies, *Forgotten Patriots* (updates), etc. Read the introductions to these to learn why these are both important genealogical indexes. For example, the Rev. War pension index includes the names of people *mentioned in* those pensions that were abstracted (not just the pensioner or widow)!!!!)
--Library Catalog (Their book, periodical, and manuscript holdings)
Each of these databases has interrelated content, and a description of each is given more fully on the website. You will notice restricted information in many search results. This is the result of a concerted effort to protect the
identity of DAR members while providing historical genealogical information to researchers.
The national numbers of members (without the names of living members) given in the search results are needed to order copies of applications and supplemental applications. They do not lead online researchers to any other information about the member.
(Received from: Eric G. Grundset, Library Director, DAR Library, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, 1776 D Street, N. W., Washington, DC 20006-5303
Contact him at egrundset@dar.org or 202-879-3313)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Genealogy and eBay

The next CAGG-NI meeting will be held starting at 10:30 am this Sat. Nov. 21 at the Hanover Park branch of the Schaumburg Library, just east of Barrington Road on Irving Park Road. PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE OF VENUE FOR THIS MEETING ONLY.
The topic will be: How to Use eBay to Locate Genealogical Illustrations, by Ed Udovic. Ed presents tricks of the trade to register, bid, and when to bid to secure illustrations.
The next regular meeting will be on Jan. 16, 2010.
For more information, contact Bill McGovern, Promotions Chair, at bmcgovern3790@sbcglobal.net
The CAGG-NI Newsletter for November 2009 is now on display in the Reference Room at the Library.
The Linkpendium directory contains 8,442,133 genealogy links.
Search for genealogy websites by localities in the USA, UK, and Ireland, as well as by surname.
Search for genealogy websites by localities in the USA, UK, and Ireland, as well as by surname.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
1940 Census
The official release date for the 1940 U.S. Census is April 2, 2012.
This 16th decennial U.S. Census had a distinct focus on labor and economic issues. Beyond the usual questions we have come to expect in the census schedules are some very interesting new ones which in part give a glimpse into our ancestors’ lives as they lived through the Great Depression and Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal programs.
In addition, this census askedfor their 1935 residence, 1939 personal income, and specific military service. Also interesting is that the individual providing the census information is so noted.
(From News From the Northwest, v.30 no.2)
This 16th decennial U.S. Census had a distinct focus on labor and economic issues. Beyond the usual questions we have come to expect in the census schedules are some very interesting new ones which in part give a glimpse into our ancestors’ lives as they lived through the Great Depression and Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal programs.
In addition, this census askedfor their 1935 residence, 1939 personal income, and specific military service. Also interesting is that the individual providing the census information is so noted.
(From News From the Northwest, v.30 no.2)
Northwest Suburban Council of Genealogists: Newsletter

Located in Chicago's Northwest Suburbs, the Northwest Suburban Council of Genealogists was initially formed in 1977. Their focus is the history and genealogy of Mount Prospect, Arlington Heights and surrounding suburbs.
They promote the study of genealogy and history; conduct programs and workshops; encourage preservations of private and public records; and assist members in the study of family history
Their monthly meetings feature quality speakers.
Members receive am informative, bi-monthly newsletter, access to people with similar interests, and the potential to meet new cousins!
The November/December issue of the newsletter, News From the Northwest, is now available. It includes an outstanding article about German genealogy, and is on display in the genealogy section of the Reference Room on the newsletter stand.
Maxwell Street film

Sunday, November 22nd, there will be a meeting of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois, at Temple Beth Israel, 3601 West Dempster, Skokie.
The Temple will be available at 12:30 PM to accommodate members who would like to use JGSI library materials, need help with genealogical internet web sites, or have genealogical related questions.
2:00 PM program features a film by Eshel Productions: Maxwell Street, A Living Memory
For more information about future meeting dates for 2010, JGSI plans for a One Day Conference, and some interesting websites, click here.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
CAGG-NI Meeting: November 21

SUBJECT: How to Use eBay to Locate Genealogical Illustrations
DATE: Saturday, November 21,2009
Ed Udovic, a professor at DePaul University and a local expert on eBay, will present Tips and Tricks on Using eBay. How to Register, Bid, When to Bid. See how eBay can be a rich source for illustrating your genealogy.
The first of this year’s series of programs to help get our online lives together.
For more ibnformation, contact Stan Schmidt, 630‑529‑4849.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Glenview's Melzer Family

The Images of America series book, Glenview, by Beverly Roberts Dawson, discusses the arrival of the first Europeans in South Northfield, which became Glenview, and continues through the first 70 years following incorporation.
"John Melzer immigrated to South Northfield from Germany and bought the family home in 1871...Three generations of the Melzers are pictured here. From left to right are: first row, Lulu and Josephine (Adam's younger daughters); second row, two Heimgartner children, John Melzer and his wife, Katherine Melzer (Adam's daughter), William Melzer (Adam's son), Louisa Melzer (Adam's wife) and Adam Melzer; third row, Mrs. Heimgartner (John's niece) holding the hand of her child and Mr. Heimgartner at the far right in front of the cellar entrance." (p. 35, Glenview)
Meet Charlotte Melzer, a descendant of this founding family of Glenview, and hear her stories, on Sunday, October 18, 2-4 PM in the Maynard Room of the Glenview Public Library, as we celebrate National Family History month by celebrating the family history of Glenview's founding families.
Thank you to Beverly R. Dawson, and to the Glenview History Center, for permission to use the picture and the quotation from Ms. Dawson's book, Glenview.
You can see the book at 977.31 DAW and check out a copy. There are also copies in the Reference Room at R977.31 DAW and RRA 977.31 DAW.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Glenview Founding Families Celebration: October 18
Mark your calendar!
On Sunday, October 18, from 2 to 4 PM in the Maynard Room, the Glenview Public Library will celebrate National Family History Month with a panel discussion and reception honoring Glenview's Founding Families.
To register, please call (847) 729-7500 x112 or x113.
Joyce Hutchings, Charlotte Melzer, and Don Long, whose family trees include various names prominent in Glenview history, will reminisce about Glenview and their families.
Hear their stories, and mingle with them at an informal reception.
The following slide show displays portraits of some of their ancestors:
On Sunday, October 18, from 2 to 4 PM in the Maynard Room, the Glenview Public Library will celebrate National Family History Month with a panel discussion and reception honoring Glenview's Founding Families.
To register, please call (847) 729-7500 x112 or x113.
Joyce Hutchings, Charlotte Melzer, and Don Long, whose family trees include various names prominent in Glenview history, will reminisce about Glenview and their families.
Hear their stories, and mingle with them at an informal reception.
The following slide show displays portraits of some of their ancestors:
Friday, September 18, 2009
United States Submarine Men Lost During World War II
The Glenview Public Library has acquired the following book, which you can use in the Reference Room:
United States submarine men lost during World War II : a compilation of basic information on all the known men who died while in, or attached to, a command of the U.S. Submarine Service, including passengers lost on U.S. submarines : a research project / by Paul W. Wittmer, c2009.
R940.5467 WIT GENEALOGY v. 1 - 2
This comprehensive alphabetical compilation lists more than 3,600 men who died while in , or attached to, a U.S. submarine or a U.S. relief crew, between December 7, 1941 through september 2, 1945. Each listing was documented from a U.S. Archive, Navy, or other government source showing the submarine, relief crew, or other naval unit, along with date and cause of death. Passengers lost on U.S. Submarines. and the stories of the lost boats, are included.
The book is intended as a lasting memorial and research source for future generations of family members, historians and interested researchers.
The author, Paul W. Wittmer, is A WWII U.S. submarine veteran. He can be reached at subvetpaul@aol.com
United States submarine men lost during World War II : a compilation of basic information on all the known men who died while in, or attached to, a command of the U.S. Submarine Service, including passengers lost on U.S. submarines : a research project / by Paul W. Wittmer, c2009.
R940.5467 WIT GENEALOGY v. 1 - 2
This comprehensive alphabetical compilation lists more than 3,600 men who died while in , or attached to, a U.S. submarine or a U.S. relief crew, between December 7, 1941 through september 2, 1945. Each listing was documented from a U.S. Archive, Navy, or other government source showing the submarine, relief crew, or other naval unit, along with date and cause of death. Passengers lost on U.S. Submarines. and the stories of the lost boats, are included.
The book is intended as a lasting memorial and research source for future generations of family members, historians and interested researchers.
The author, Paul W. Wittmer, is A WWII U.S. submarine veteran. He can be reached at subvetpaul@aol.com
Free Census Images Online

The USGenWeb Census Project is a special project of the USGenWeb project.
USGenWeb is non-commercial and fully committed to free genealogy access for everyone.
USGenWeb is arranged by county and state. The Illinois section is called ILGenWeb.
Partial transcriptions and scans of the 1850 amd 1930 census for Cook County are available.
You can request a lookup of the pqarts that have not yet been transcribed by e-mailing CENSUS-CHAT-request@rootsweb.com.
You can also vounteer to transcribe a section in which you are interested.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
American Indian History and Research

The North Suburban Genealogical Society invites you to hear Dr. Scott Manning Stevens speak on American Indian History and Research.
Dr. Stevens is Director, D’Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian History at Newberry Library in Chicago, Illinois. He grew up in upstate New York and is a member of the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe. He received his A.B. in English from Dartmouth College and his A.M and PhD from Harvard University. Dr. Stevens has given numerous programs throughout the United States on a wide-range of American Indian subjects.
When: Saturday October 10, 2009
1 p.m. is Problem Solving and 2-3 p.m. Dr. Steven on American Indian History and Research
Where: Glenview Library 1930 Glenview Rd., Glenview 60025
Contact: Jim Boyle 847 401 2579
Open to anyone interested in genealogical research. Free admission.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Picasa and Your Family Tree

Google Picasa can help genealogists.
Google Picasa Web Albums offers free Face Recognition Software that might help identify unrecognized people in your old family photos.
If you enable the Name Tagging feature, it will help you identify the same face in other photos. Invite your cousins to view and contribute to your collaborative family photo albums.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
1967 Library Construction
The first addition to the library was constructed during 1967. Here is a video showing the process from groundbreaking to cornerstone:
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Researching German Towns
Meeting of the Northwest Suburban Council of GenealogistsP.O. Box 148 ● Mount Prospect, Illinois, 60056
Teresa Steinkamp McMillin will present So, You’ve Found Your German Town of Origin . . . Now What? at the next meeting of the Northwest Suburban Council of Genealogists to be held on Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. at Forest View Educational Center, Room 100, 2121 S. Goebbert Road, Arlington Heights, Illinois.
This lecture will focus on how to access records for the German town that you are researching, the basics on how to correspond with Archives and how to get the most out of the Family History Library’s holdings.
Teresa Steinkamp McMillin is a professional genealogist who specializes in German and Midwest American research, as well as reading German script. She has been interested in genealogy since she was a child and has been actively researching her German ancestry for the past nine years, as well as her husband's Chicago Irish. She has attended the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research and has taken college-level German courses. She was the 2007 recipient of the National Genealogical Society's Home Study Course, which she has completed. Teresa is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, the National Genealogical Society, as well as many local genealogical societies. She is the web master for the Northwest Suburban Council of Genealogists.
For more information, visit their web site at www.nwscg.com
Or contact them at 847-818-9159
Teresa Steinkamp McMillin will present So, You’ve Found Your German Town of Origin . . . Now What? at the next meeting of the Northwest Suburban Council of Genealogists to be held on Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. at Forest View Educational Center, Room 100, 2121 S. Goebbert Road, Arlington Heights, Illinois.
This lecture will focus on how to access records for the German town that you are researching, the basics on how to correspond with Archives and how to get the most out of the Family History Library’s holdings.
Teresa Steinkamp McMillin is a professional genealogist who specializes in German and Midwest American research, as well as reading German script. She has been interested in genealogy since she was a child and has been actively researching her German ancestry for the past nine years, as well as her husband's Chicago Irish. She has attended the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research and has taken college-level German courses. She was the 2007 recipient of the National Genealogical Society's Home Study Course, which she has completed. Teresa is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, the National Genealogical Society, as well as many local genealogical societies. She is the web master for the Northwest Suburban Council of Genealogists.
For more information, visit their web site at www.nwscg.com
Or contact them at 847-818-9159
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Irish Ancestors?

Waterford, Ireland, Central Library has acquired the Roman Catholic Parish Registers for Waterford City and County.
These Registers are one of the main sources for genealogical researchers beginning to investigate their family history as they provide the earliest direct source of family information in Ireland. These Registers previously were difficult to access but are now freely available to researchers who visit the Central Library in Waterford.
For more information, contact Central Library at +353 051 849975.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
New Genealogy Book: African American Genealogy
The Glenview Public Library has purchased the following book, available for checkout at call number 929.108996 WIT, and in the Reference Room at call number R929.108996 WIT GENEALOGY:
African American Genealogy : a Bibliography and Guide to Sources, by Curt Bryan Witcher.
African American Genealogy : a Bibliography and Guide to Sources, by Curt Bryan Witcher.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Glenview History Center Dolls
See these and more at the Glenview History Center.
Bring your favorite doll to tea on September 12! Reservations required, call (847) 724-4115 for more information.
Bring your favorite doll to tea on September 12! Reservations required, call (847) 724-4115 for more information.
German Genealogy Group

Do you have German ancestors, but don't know how to get started researching your family tree?
The German Genealogy Group can help.
They were established in New York in early 1996 by a group of genealogists interested in providing support to all those researching their Germanic ancestors. If your ancestors came through New York, a variety of online databases for church records, naturalization, surnames, and yearbooks may contain information you have been searching for.
There is more information about German Genealogy at Cyndi's List.
Researching Land Records

Genealogist Sharon Tate Moody has written a good article about researching land records at county courthouses.
She says that finding land records at the courthouse can be tricky because the indexes to the records may be confusing or non-existent.
Usually there is an index for grantors (those selling the land) and grantees (the buyers).
You must actually read the deeds, and not stop with the index or the abstract, to get tidbits such as the names of adjacent or previous landowners, etc.
The Glenview Public Library iwns a book that will help you in this process. Read Courthouse Research for Family Historians: Your Guide to Genealogical Treasures by genealogist Christine Rose, at call number 929.1 ROS (there is another copy in the Reference Room.)
She says that finding land records at the courthouse can be tricky because the indexes to the records may be confusing or non-existent.
Usually there is an index for grantors (those selling the land) and grantees (the buyers).
You must actually read the deeds, and not stop with the index or the abstract, to get tidbits such as the names of adjacent or previous landowners, etc.
The Glenview Public Library iwns a book that will help you in this process. Read Courthouse Research for Family Historians: Your Guide to Genealogical Treasures by genealogist Christine Rose, at call number 929.1 ROS (there is another copy in the Reference Room.)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center

The Allen County Public Library (ACPL) Genealogy Center is a major resource for genealogists. Many of its valuable resources are availaible online.
The collection includes more than 350,000 printed volumes and 513,000 items of microfilm and microfiche.
If you are new to the Center, you may want to view the orientation video.
Their resources include seven major online databases (for which an ACPL card is required), and access to the 2.4 million rolls of microfilmed genealogical and historical records at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.
The Genealogy Center actively contributes significant portions of its collection to Footnote.com, and digitized family histories from Indiana and beyond to the BYU Family History Archive
They own a large microfilm collection of federal, state and territorial records, passenger lists, miltary records, and other significant local, ethnic, and U.S. collections along with more than 50,000 citiy directories from 1785 to the present. These collections can be searched by category.
Their enormous periodical collection led to the development of PERSI (the PERiodical Source Index) , which can be accessed through Heritage Quest Online with your Glenview Library card number.
The GenealogyCenter Info website includes databases for Military Heritage, Family Bible Records, and a surname file to which visitors to the Center have been contributing since 1998.
You can also subscribe to their monthly e-zine Genealogy Gems, which lists information about the department's collections and useful research tips.
The collection includes more than 350,000 printed volumes and 513,000 items of microfilm and microfiche.
If you are new to the Center, you may want to view the orientation video.
Their resources include seven major online databases (for which an ACPL card is required), and access to the 2.4 million rolls of microfilmed genealogical and historical records at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.
The Genealogy Center actively contributes significant portions of its collection to Footnote.com, and digitized family histories from Indiana and beyond to the BYU Family History Archive
They own a large microfilm collection of federal, state and territorial records, passenger lists, miltary records, and other significant local, ethnic, and U.S. collections along with more than 50,000 citiy directories from 1785 to the present. These collections can be searched by category.
Their enormous periodical collection led to the development of PERSI (the PERiodical Source Index) , which can be accessed through Heritage Quest Online with your Glenview Library card number.
The GenealogyCenter Info website includes databases for Military Heritage, Family Bible Records, and a surname file to which visitors to the Center have been contributing since 1998.
You can also subscribe to their monthly e-zine Genealogy Gems, which lists information about the department's collections and useful research tips.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Historic Glenview Cemeteries

There is a new information link for historic Glenview cemeteries on the Library's genealogy web page. It lists cemeteries in or near Glenview in which members of Glenview founding families are buried. Included under the name of each cemetery are its location, a few significant family names associated with it, and where it is transcribed.
If you are interested in cemetery transcriptions, some of them are included in Some German Name Cemeteries, Cook County, Illinois Volume 1, by Gertrude Lundberg, at call number RL920.07731 LUN, and in the microfilm Cemetery Records by Gertrude W. Lundberg, which is kept at the Reference Desk.
Cemeteries not mentioned in this list can be researched at at Graveyards.com Transcriptions of cemetery headstones are often done by genealogical societies, and may be found by searching the OCLC FirstSearch database or Google Books by name of cemetery.
If you are interested in cemetery transcriptions, some of them are included in Some German Name Cemeteries, Cook County, Illinois Volume 1, by Gertrude Lundberg, at call number RL920.07731 LUN, and in the microfilm Cemetery Records by Gertrude W. Lundberg, which is kept at the Reference Desk.
Cemeteries not mentioned in this list can be researched at at Graveyards.com Transcriptions of cemetery headstones are often done by genealogical societies, and may be found by searching the OCLC FirstSearch database or Google Books by name of cemetery.
Monday, August 17, 2009

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has a new blog about online public access to their records.
They invite NARA researchers and anyone interested in the Archives on topics related to online access and historical research in general, to share their opinions, ideas, and stories. NARA plans to post questions periodically and encourage your comments. They will also post news items about descriptions or digitized archival materials available online.
NSGS Meeting: September 12

The North Suburban Genealogical Society invites you to hear Kevin Leonard, Archivist at Northwestern University, speak on the archives at Northwestern. and what rich records on local histories are available to you.
Kevin has been on the NU staff for 30 years and is anxious to tell you about the manuscripts, photographs, audiovisual recordings, directories, and other records kept at the University.
When: Saturday Sept 12, 2009
1 p.m.: Problem Solving
2 p.m.: Kevin Leonard on NU Archives.
1 p.m.: Problem Solving
2 p.m.: Kevin Leonard on NU Archives.
Program ends by 3:30 p.m.
Where: Glenview Library 1930 Glenview Rd., Glenview 60025
Contact: Jim Boyle 847 401 2579
Open to anyone interested in genealogical research. Free admission.
Where: Glenview Library 1930 Glenview Rd., Glenview 60025
Contact: Jim Boyle 847 401 2579
Open to anyone interested in genealogical research. Free admission.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
FamilySearch Labs

FamilySearch Labs showcases new family history technologies that are in process of being developed by FamilySearch.
It features the latest scoop on their current projects, including Family Search Alpha, which involves a major renovation of their web site; Record Search, which lets you quickly search millions of historic documents; Forums, which allow you to discuss and ask questions; the Family Search Wiki, which makes available the research guidance of millions of users, and allows you to share your own expertise; Family Search Family Tree, which allows users to collectively and collaboratively organize information into its appropriate node on this shared tree; the Standard Family Search Finder; Family Search Indexing, in which you can volunteer to extract family history information from digital images of historical documents to create indexes that assist everyone in finding their ancestors; the Life Browser Prototype, which lets you get to know ancestors through pictures, records, stories, maps, timelines and collaboration; and the Pedigree Viewer, which allows you to see and interact with a large pedigree or descendancy.
The Family Search Labs Blog shares the latest updates as they occur, and lets you search the progress on each of the technologies by clicking on them in the Categories section.
It features the latest scoop on their current projects, including Family Search Alpha, which involves a major renovation of their web site; Record Search, which lets you quickly search millions of historic documents; Forums, which allow you to discuss and ask questions; the Family Search Wiki, which makes available the research guidance of millions of users, and allows you to share your own expertise; Family Search Family Tree, which allows users to collectively and collaboratively organize information into its appropriate node on this shared tree; the Standard Family Search Finder; Family Search Indexing, in which you can volunteer to extract family history information from digital images of historical documents to create indexes that assist everyone in finding their ancestors; the Life Browser Prototype, which lets you get to know ancestors through pictures, records, stories, maps, timelines and collaboration; and the Pedigree Viewer, which allows you to see and interact with a large pedigree or descendancy.
The Family Search Labs Blog shares the latest updates as they occur, and lets you search the progress on each of the technologies by clicking on them in the Categories section.
Newspapers Online

Here is a list of online newspapers by state. The listing also has a convenient link to the archived versions of the papers.
Finding newspapers online can be complicated, with lots of analysis required to sift through access points and third party providers.
The Library of Congress (LoC) Chronicling America web page provides a searchable/browseable directory of all known American papers (use the 'Find' box).
Each state has a newspaper program, part of the National Newspaper Program. Content varies, but some states will not only provide their subset of the LoC database, but also say what libraries in the state have what newspaper titles for what years.
The International Coalition of Newspapers page highlights and links to past, present, and prospective digitization projects of historic newspapers.
Wikipedia also lists online newspaper archives, and so does Cyndi's List.
Historical Newspapers and Indexes on the Internet has some unique items.
Genealogist Jeffrey Bockman has also made available a list of online newspapers.
Finding newspapers online can be complicated, with lots of analysis required to sift through access points and third party providers.
The Library of Congress (LoC) Chronicling America web page provides a searchable/browseable directory of all known American papers (use the 'Find' box).
Each state has a newspaper program, part of the National Newspaper Program. Content varies, but some states will not only provide their subset of the LoC database, but also say what libraries in the state have what newspaper titles for what years.
The International Coalition of Newspapers page highlights and links to past, present, and prospective digitization projects of historic newspapers.
Wikipedia also lists online newspaper archives, and so does Cyndi's List.
Historical Newspapers and Indexes on the Internet has some unique items.
Genealogist Jeffrey Bockman has also made available a list of online newspapers.
Do You Have Native American Ancestors?

If you are doing Native American Genealogy, the Department of the Interior provides resources for tracing your Indian ancestry.
Tribes can determine their own membership, so you may have to contact each tribe to find out what the requirements were in your ancestor's day. Requirements are particularly different for Cherokees.
If the Cherokee ancestor chose to assimilate into white culture it will be extremely difficult to document that person. However, if you would like to find out if an Indian ancestor had any relationship with the federal government, you can check the extensive records that were generated during the time of Indian Removal beginning in 1831. These records relate to treaties, trade, land claims, removal to Oklahoma, allotments, military affairs, military service and pensions, trust funds, and other activities.
Eastern Cherokee researchers should check the indexes for the Baker Rolls for these records. Western Cherokee should check the Dawes Rolls. The Miller Rolls are also useful. There are other Native American Rolls which are in print and available at local libraries.
These and other Native American Records are available through the National Archives , which also provides useful educational material such as how to search the census for Native American ancestors.
Tribes can determine their own membership, so you may have to contact each tribe to find out what the requirements were in your ancestor's day. Requirements are particularly different for Cherokees.
If the Cherokee ancestor chose to assimilate into white culture it will be extremely difficult to document that person. However, if you would like to find out if an Indian ancestor had any relationship with the federal government, you can check the extensive records that were generated during the time of Indian Removal beginning in 1831. These records relate to treaties, trade, land claims, removal to Oklahoma, allotments, military affairs, military service and pensions, trust funds, and other activities.
Eastern Cherokee researchers should check the indexes for the Baker Rolls for these records. Western Cherokee should check the Dawes Rolls. The Miller Rolls are also useful. There are other Native American Rolls which are in print and available at local libraries.
These and other Native American Records are available through the National Archives , which also provides useful educational material such as how to search the census for Native American ancestors.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Libraries: a Treasure Chest for Genealogists

When you are trying to find an obituary or a cemetery, think local...local library, that is.
Libraries are devoted to collecting their local newspapers and history and making them available to researchers. The public library in or near the town where your ancestor lived or died may have the obituary you need. If they do not actually have it, they will know how to obtain it.
The reference librarians in your ancestor's town can also advise you about local cemeteries, historical societies, genealogy groups, local churches, town history, and more.
If you need further assistance, you can contact a state library from the state where your ancestor lived or died, a national library, or an academic library.
Some services may require a library card...but many others will not. You won't know until you call or e-mail them and ask!
Libraries can help your genealogical research in ways you never dreamed possible. Call them first!
Libraries are devoted to collecting their local newspapers and history and making them available to researchers. The public library in or near the town where your ancestor lived or died may have the obituary you need. If they do not actually have it, they will know how to obtain it.
The reference librarians in your ancestor's town can also advise you about local cemeteries, historical societies, genealogy groups, local churches, town history, and more.
If you need further assistance, you can contact a state library from the state where your ancestor lived or died, a national library, or an academic library.
Some services may require a library card...but many others will not. You won't know until you call or e-mail them and ask!
Libraries can help your genealogical research in ways you never dreamed possible. Call them first!
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Lundberg Collection

Her books are kept in a locked case. In order to use them, patrons need to leave a library card or ID with the librarian.
Mrs. Lundberg developed her own classification system in order to arrange her books and magazines for maximum usefulness to genealogists.
The Lundberg Genealogy Periodicals, shelved on the south-east wall of the Reference Room, are arranged according to this classification system, which is based on migration patterns.
There is an un-cataloged part of the Collection, for which you need to ask the Reference Librarian / Genealogy Specialist.
Mrs. Lundberg also donated her original genealogical research on specific families, and owned some published genealogies about them. If you are researching these lineages, you may ask to see them by filling out a Locked Case Form and leaving your I.D. at the Reference Desk.
To see a list of titles and call numbers in the Lundberg Collection, click on the link below. You can also search the GPL catalog under subject heading "Lundberg Collection," as well as by author, title, or keyword of specific books.
Civil War Symposium
Annual Civil War Symposium
Saturday, October 3, 2009, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM at the First Division Museum, Cantigny in Wheaton, IL. Cost: $40.00 for the general public; $20.00 for teachers and round table members; $10.00 for senior citizens (60+), students with valid ID, and veterans and active duty military.
Join noted Civil War historians Craig Symonds, John Marszalek, Daniel E. Sutherland, and Paul Finkelman as they discuss notable events and personalities of the Civil War including Abraham Lincoln and John Brown. Tour a Civil War encampment; meet Abraham Lincoln; hear a cannon's roar; spend some quality time doing period activities with your children; see a realistic Civil War surgeon's operating tent; watch the First Infantry Division's mounted color guard in action, or just tour the magnificent museum and grounds at Cantigny. Teachers can earn continuing education credits for attending.
Saturday, October 3, 2009, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM at the First Division Museum, Cantigny in Wheaton, IL. Cost: $40.00 for the general public; $20.00 for teachers and round table members; $10.00 for senior citizens (60+), students with valid ID, and veterans and active duty military.
Join noted Civil War historians Craig Symonds, John Marszalek, Daniel E. Sutherland, and Paul Finkelman as they discuss notable events and personalities of the Civil War including Abraham Lincoln and John Brown. Tour a Civil War encampment; meet Abraham Lincoln; hear a cannon's roar; spend some quality time doing period activities with your children; see a realistic Civil War surgeon's operating tent; watch the First Infantry Division's mounted color guard in action, or just tour the magnificent museum and grounds at Cantigny. Teachers can earn continuing education credits for attending.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Cook County Vital Record Images Online
Have you tested the new FamilySearch Pilot Website?
It makes available the actual images on microfilms from the Family History Library (FHL) in Salt Lake City UT, or through a local Family History Center.
Since this is a pilot website, there are a limited number of FHL microfilms that are available to view. But there are a number of Cook County related microfilms that are partially indexed with links to the actual microfilm images. You can save these free images to your computer's hard drive.
Here's how: click on the map of North America at the Family Search Pilot Website. Scroll down the list of items for the US until you come to Illinois. Select the category you want to search. These records are not yet completely indexed, but you will still find a fair number of them. In the search result, click on the blue underlined name. It will open a partial transcription.
It is important that you click on the thumbnail image of the document, or the "view original image" link, to see the original document. You can enlarge the image as much as you want. You can also search by first name alone, or last name alone, which can be useful in cases where errors in transcription or indexing might make records hard to find.
It makes available the actual images on microfilms from the Family History Library (FHL) in Salt Lake City UT, or through a local Family History Center.
Since this is a pilot website, there are a limited number of FHL microfilms that are available to view. But there are a number of Cook County related microfilms that are partially indexed with links to the actual microfilm images. You can save these free images to your computer's hard drive.
Here's how: click on the map of North America at the Family Search Pilot Website. Scroll down the list of items for the US until you come to Illinois. Select the category you want to search. These records are not yet completely indexed, but you will still find a fair number of them. In the search result, click on the blue underlined name. It will open a partial transcription.
It is important that you click on the thumbnail image of the document, or the "view original image" link, to see the original document. You can enlarge the image as much as you want. You can also search by first name alone, or last name alone, which can be useful in cases where errors in transcription or indexing might make records hard to find.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Mother & Daughter Tea

The Glenview History Center benefit, Mother and Daughter Tea With Your Favorite Doll, will take place at the Glenview History Center on Saturday, September 12, 2009.
Reservations are required--no tickets will be sold at the door!
There are 3 seatings. The cost is $15 for adults and $10 for children.
Tea, lemonade, finger sandwiches, and dessert will be served.
Travel back in time and hear the stories from the characters portraying life during the Voctorian era.
Clothing and furniture for dolls will be available for sale.
For further information call Mary Long (847) 724-4115.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
JGSI Meeting: July 26, 2009

The library will be open for research at 12:30 and JGSI members will be available to help you withyour family research using some of the many internet sites.
Program: The JGSI DNA Project One Year Later featuring Alvin Holtzman, our DNA project coordinator, will begin at 2:00 pm.
Canadian naturalizations

The Library and Archives Canada (LAC) has posted a new version of the Canadian Naturalization 1915-1932 Database.
It includes the names of 206,731 individuals who applied for and received status as naturalized Canadians in that time period, and is one of a few Canadian genealogical resources designed to benefit researchers with roots outside the British Commonwealth.
References in the database can be used to request copies of the actual naturalization records, which are held by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Genealogybank: Free Trial!
Until the end of August, you have the opportunity to test the America's GenealogyBank database.
America's GenealogyBank provides Internet access to a comprehensive U.S. genealogy core collection, including historical newspapers, books, documents, obituaries, and the Social Securioty Death Index. . It consolidates records from the 17th to 21st centuries in a single database of several million items.
Log in with your Glenview Library card number.
Leave a "comment" or email to let us know what you think of America's GenealogyBank .
America's GenealogyBank provides Internet access to a comprehensive U.S. genealogy core collection, including historical newspapers, books, documents, obituaries, and the Social Securioty Death Index. . It consolidates records from the 17th to 21st centuries in a single database of several million items.
Log in with your Glenview Library card number.
Leave a "comment" or email to let us know what you think of America's GenealogyBank .
Friday, July 17, 2009
NSGS Meeting: August 8

The North Suburban Genealogical Society invites you to hear Everett Butler speak on the New Family Search (nFS)—genealogical goldmine.
Everett will demonstrate the features of nFS which will allow anybody to access the estimated 30 million names in the LDS Church records. When this access is allowed it will be an invaluable record for any genealogist.
When: August 8, 2009:
1 pm: Trouble Shooting in genealogy;
2 pm: Ev Butler on New Family Search
Where: Glenview Library 1930 Glenview Rd. Glenview 60025
Contact: Jim Boyle 847 401 2579
Open to anyone interested in genealogical research. Free Admission.
1 pm: Trouble Shooting in genealogy;
2 pm: Ev Butler on New Family Search
Where: Glenview Library 1930 Glenview Rd. Glenview 60025
Contact: Jim Boyle 847 401 2579
Open to anyone interested in genealogical research. Free Admission.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
FamilyLink has created a new genealogy social network named GenealogyWise.
It's like Facebook for genealogy, with member profiles, video sharing, forums, member blogs, chat, surname groups and more
You can add your genealogy information (which can be edited) to create your personal page.
On the home page, you can check on the Latest Activity, read Blog Posts, and deal with your account. The tabs across the top are Main, Invite, My Page, Members, Forum, Groups, Blogs, Video, Genealogy Search, Chat, Store, and More.
You can ask someone to be a Friend by going to the Members page, click on each person's image, and click on "Add As Friend." The person will have to approve you as a Friend. You can search for a specific Member also, and after becoming their Friend, you can ask their Friends to be your Friend too.
You can start a Group for your particular genealogical interest, so that you can have discussions and share information with people researching the same interest.
The more people sign up for GenealogyWise, the more useful it will become.
It's like Facebook for genealogy, with member profiles, video sharing, forums, member blogs, chat, surname groups and more
You can add your genealogy information (which can be edited) to create your personal page.
On the home page, you can check on the Latest Activity, read Blog Posts, and deal with your account. The tabs across the top are Main, Invite, My Page, Members, Forum, Groups, Blogs, Video, Genealogy Search, Chat, Store, and More.
You can ask someone to be a Friend by going to the Members page, click on each person's image, and click on "Add As Friend." The person will have to approve you as a Friend. You can search for a specific Member also, and after becoming their Friend, you can ask their Friends to be your Friend too.
You can start a Group for your particular genealogical interest, so that you can have discussions and share information with people researching the same interest.
The more people sign up for GenealogyWise, the more useful it will become.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Free Genealogy Forms

Getting organized and knowing how to address government agencies and organizations can help you get quicker, more effective results. Family Tree Magazine has created forms that can help you access and organize your family history information.
Illinois State Genealogical Society: Fall Conference

Register now for Piecing Together the Puzzle of Our Past, the Fall Conference of the Illinois State Genealogical Society.
The Conference takes place October 24, 2009 at the Elgin Community College University and Business Center, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
This year's featured speaker is Michael John Neill.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
NSGS Meeting

Join the North Suburban Genealogical Society for a tour of the oldest log cabin in Cook County—Schmidt-Burnham log house in Crow Island Woods of Winnetka, Illinois. In addition to the tour they are having an old-fashioned picnic where members will share recipes of their ancestors and the stories behind the recipes.
When: July 11, 2009 11 a.m.
Where: Crow Island Woods 1112 Willow in Winnetka, IL. Skokie Blvd north to Hibbard. Hibbard north to Willow. East to 1112.
Fee: $10 for picnic supplies and tour. Bring a dish to share. Please register before 7/1/2009.
Register with: Lynn Heniken 702 Waukegan #201 Glenview, IL w/fee for picnic
When: July 11, 2009 11 a.m.
Where: Crow Island Woods 1112 Willow in Winnetka, IL. Skokie Blvd north to Hibbard. Hibbard north to Willow. East to 1112.
Fee: $10 for picnic supplies and tour. Bring a dish to share. Please register before 7/1/2009.
Register with: Lynn Heniken 702 Waukegan #201 Glenview, IL w/fee for picnic
Or call Jim Boyle 847 401 2579 w/questions.
Best Genealogy Web Sites

Family Tree Magazine celebrates the 10th annual installment of its 101 Best Web Sites.
They are marking the occasion by honoring 10 categories of 10 noteworthy sites each (plus one to make 101).
The ten categories are:
--10 Best Web Sites to See Dead People
--10 Best Web Sites for Vital Records
--10 Best Web Sites for Storing and Sharing
--10 Best Big Web Sites
--10 Best Web Sites for Maps
--10 Best Web Sites for Local Searches
--10 Best Web Sites for International Searches
--10 Best Cutting-edge Web Sites
--10 Best Web Sites for Military Research
--10 Best Virtual Library Web Sites
What's the one Web resource in a class by itself? Ancestry.com $$, of course. You can use it for free at the Glenview Public Library as Ancestry Library Edition.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
New Genealogy Book at GPL: Chicago Cemetery Records
Chicago Cemetery Records, 1847-1863 : Sexton's Reports and Certificates, Treasurer Receipts, Deeds, and Undertakers' Reports / Chicago Genealogical Society, c2008.
This book was made possible by the discovery in 1984 of Chicago City Council proceedings which had beem thought destroyed in the Fire of 1871. It includes background on early cemeteries in Chicago, maps, reproductions of sample documents, and chronological listings by type of document. There is a name index, and a bibliography. five appendices contain details about ward boundaries in various years, lots sales from Oak Woods Cemetery, records from Old Catholic Cemetery by Helen Sclair, the Illinois Regional Archival Depository system, and addresses of Repositories.
This book was made possible by the discovery in 1984 of Chicago City Council proceedings which had beem thought destroyed in the Fire of 1871. It includes background on early cemeteries in Chicago, maps, reproductions of sample documents, and chronological listings by type of document. There is a name index, and a bibliography. five appendices contain details about ward boundaries in various years, lots sales from Oak Woods Cemetery, records from Old Catholic Cemetery by Helen Sclair, the Illinois Regional Archival Depository system, and addresses of Repositories.
Internet Genealogy Tip
Have you tried using Google Alerts?
Google Alerts will search for your long lost cousins on the Internet while you sleep.
To create a Google Alert, enter a topic you wish to monitor in the search terms box, then enter your e-mail address.
Every time there is a new occurrence of that search term on an Internet page, you will receive an e-mail about it.
If you enter a surname you are researching, Google Alerts will tell you whenever a new family tree or Facebook account containing that surname appears.
This works especially well when the name you are researching is uncommon.
Google Alerts will search for your long lost cousins on the Internet while you sleep.
To create a Google Alert, enter a topic you wish to monitor in the search terms box, then enter your e-mail address.
Every time there is a new occurrence of that search term on an Internet page, you will receive an e-mail about it.
If you enter a surname you are researching, Google Alerts will tell you whenever a new family tree or Facebook account containing that surname appears.
This works especially well when the name you are researching is uncommon.
Monday, June 15, 2009
African American Genealogy at NARA
Summer 2009 Workshop: African-American Genealogical Research (Saturday, August 8, 2009 from 10:00-11:30 AM, National Archives at Chicago).
Cost: $10.00.
Renowned lecturer, author, and genealogist Tony Burroughs will present a program on African-American family history research. Mr. Burroughs will address the special challenges presented to those researching African-Americans. Information on finding Federal records relating to African-Americans will be discussed.
LIMITED SEATING. To reserve a space for this workshop, please call 773-948-9001 or email chicago.archives@nara.gov with the names, phone number, and (if possible) email addresses for all attendees.
Cost: $10.00.
Renowned lecturer, author, and genealogist Tony Burroughs will present a program on African-American family history research. Mr. Burroughs will address the special challenges presented to those researching African-Americans. Information on finding Federal records relating to African-Americans will be discussed.
LIMITED SEATING. To reserve a space for this workshop, please call 773-948-9001 or email chicago.archives@nara.gov with the names, phone number, and (if possible) email addresses for all attendees.
GAGG-NI Meeting

The June meeting of CAGG-NI will take place at 10:30 a.m. on June 20 at the Schaumburg Library.
Marsha Peterson-Maass will present a condensed version of her 14 hour presentation, Exploring Fundamentals of Genealogy: Basics for Everyone. The original 14 hour presentation was made at the Newberry Library.
Marsha will have some copies of her book of the same name available for sale at the meeting at the discounted price of $20.
Please plan to attend to broaden your tools for conducting your research.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Genalogical Photos

Do you want to be able to easily share pictures with your new-found cousins?There are many ways to do this.One web site that combines genealogy with family photos is MyHeritage.
MyHeritage is a network of 32 million family members worldwide. It contains more than 350 million profiles, 7 million family Web sites and 50 million photos. People upload more than 2.5 million family photos to MyHeritage every month.
MyHeritage lets you share family photos from mobile devices or by email, which allows you to capture family moments and share them as they happen. You can tag your photos, or put them into a variety of slideshow formats, making it quick and easy for you to share your images in a beautiful way.
Canadian Census

Do you have Canadian ancestors?
Tracing your Canadian roots past 100 has been a struggle. But now there are indexes to all of the pre-1900 Canadian censuses.
FamilySearch, in partnership with Ancestry.ca and the Library and Archives Canada (LAC), has added the 1851, 1861, and 1871 Canada Census indexes to its online collection. The new indexes can be searched for free at the FamilySearch Record Search Pilot.
June 13: NSGS Meeting

The North Suburban Genealogical Society will meet at the Glenview Public Library on Saturday, June 13, from 1 to 3 PM.
Problem solving will be led by Maureen Shelly at 1 PM. There will be a business meeting at 1:50 PM.
At 2 PM, Brian Donovan, president of the genealogy society of the Irish American Heritage Center, will present the latest developments in researching Irish ancestors.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Welsh Genealogy

If you are searching for ancestors from Wales, you will enjoy the 1911 Welsh census.
It provides online access to the records of 2.4 million people living in Wales in 1911. Anyone can use the index to locate ancestors. To view the original record, there is a small fee.
The census covers Wales, England, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands, as well as those aboard Royal Naval and Merchant vessels at sea and in foreign ports. It also includes details of British Army personnel and their families in military establishments overseas.
The 1911 census is provided in association with The National Archives of the U.K. and Find My Past, which helps you locate living family members, immigrants, and Welsh ancestors from the 16th century to the present.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
German Genealogy
Palatines to America (Pal Am) is a German genealogy society dedicated to the study of ancestors from all German speaking lands. Pal Am will offer the 2009 National Conference, “Research With the Experts” at the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana, June 18-20, 2009.
The featured speaker is world renowned Annette Burgert with four presentations on the basics for research of colonial German and Swiss ancestry, immigration, and European villages of origin.
Pal Am has an Illinois Chapter, which publishes six newsletters per year. The chapter also offers research assistance and an ancestor registry. The Pal Am website also features a query index.
Contact Pal Am by E-mail at palamillinois@palam.org ...or in writing at: Palatines to America - Illinois Chapter, P O Box 9638, Peoria, IL 61612-9638...or by telephone at (309) 691-0292.
Become a Pal Am member! There will be many benefits to your German genealogical research.
The featured speaker is world renowned Annette Burgert with four presentations on the basics for research of colonial German and Swiss ancestry, immigration, and European villages of origin.
Pal Am has an Illinois Chapter, which publishes six newsletters per year. The chapter also offers research assistance and an ancestor registry. The Pal Am website also features a query index.
Contact Pal Am by E-mail at palamillinois@palam.org ...or in writing at: Palatines to America - Illinois Chapter, P O Box 9638, Peoria, IL 61612-9638...or by telephone at (309) 691-0292.
Become a Pal Am member! There will be many benefits to your German genealogical research.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Genealogy and Local History Orientation at Newberry
The Newberry Library will offer Saturday morning genealogy and local history orientations
at 9:30 am on June 6 and July 11.
Interested in learning about your family history or researching your neighborhood, but don’t know where to start? On the first Saturday of every month...except for Independence Day... a member of the Newberry’s Local and Family History reference staff will introduce beginners to the basics of research with an informal orientation.
The orientation sessions begin in the first floor reader’s lounge. Admission is free. No reservations are required.
The Newberry LibraryCenter for Public Programs, 60 W. Walton St. Chicago, IL 60610-7324
Sign up for E-News, a free monthly e-newsletter.
telephone: (312) 255-3700fax: (312) 255-3680
e-mail: programs@newberry.org
at 9:30 am on June 6 and July 11.
Interested in learning about your family history or researching your neighborhood, but don’t know where to start? On the first Saturday of every month...except for Independence Day... a member of the Newberry’s Local and Family History reference staff will introduce beginners to the basics of research with an informal orientation.
The orientation sessions begin in the first floor reader’s lounge. Admission is free. No reservations are required.
The Newberry LibraryCenter for Public Programs, 60 W. Walton St. Chicago, IL 60610-7324
Sign up for E-News, a free monthly e-newsletter.
telephone: (312) 255-3700fax: (312) 255-3680
e-mail: programs@newberry.org
Sunday, May 31, 2009
We Relate

WeRelate.org is a free public-service Wiki for genealogy sponsored by the Foundation for On-Line Genealogy, Inc. in partnership with the Allen County Public Library.
WeRelate.org is the world's largest genealogy Wiki with pages for over 2,000,000 people and families and growing.
WeRelate lets you create Wiki pages for your ancestors, upload GEDCOM files, upload and annotate scanned documents and photos, include family stories and biographies, view maps of your ancestors' life events, view multi-generation pedigree and descendancy charts on the left side of the screen while displaying detailed person or family information on the right, and research over 400,000 place wiki pages.
WeRelate.org is about social networking, sharing research, and collaboration. Their goal is to be the #1 community website for genealogy. They have no copyright interest in posted material and their license guarantees that information freely shared remains free.
Volunteers and staff of the Genealogy Center at the Allen County Public Library assist with administration of the website. See the Allen County Public Library Homepage for more information about the library.
WeRelate.org is the world's largest genealogy Wiki with pages for over 2,000,000 people and families and growing.
WeRelate lets you create Wiki pages for your ancestors, upload GEDCOM files, upload and annotate scanned documents and photos, include family stories and biographies, view maps of your ancestors' life events, view multi-generation pedigree and descendancy charts on the left side of the screen while displaying detailed person or family information on the right, and research over 400,000 place wiki pages.
WeRelate.org is about social networking, sharing research, and collaboration. Their goal is to be the #1 community website for genealogy. They have no copyright interest in posted material and their license guarantees that information freely shared remains free.
Volunteers and staff of the Genealogy Center at the Allen County Public Library assist with administration of the website. See the Allen County Public Library Homepage for more information about the library.
Friday, May 29, 2009
U.S. Genweb Archives

Have you visited the U.S. Genweb Archives lately?
They have a new search engine, a dailyuploads mailing list, and state specific mailing lists.
If you are only researching one or two states, you might want to sub to those state lists. If you want to see the big picture, subscribe to the dailyuploads list.
Be sure to visit the Illinois U.S. Genweb Archive.
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